Find out the black workshop in the hidden corner

2024-05-22 07:09 Source: Beijing Daily
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(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

Find out the black workshop in the hidden corner

07:09, May 22, 2024     Source: Beijing Daily     Hu Yuqi

The master and the apprentice learned technology by themselves, hid in the community, bought waste battery cells from other places, and illegally assembled large capacity electric bicycle batteries for sale... Recently, the Beijing police reported a shocking case. This also reminds us that there are hidden "time bombs" in cities.

Rough and quick modification technology and poor working environment can make money. The quality of such assembled batteries even the parties concerned expressed "fear of fire", and the cramped 10 square meter workshop was full of fire extinguishers. Subsequent professional testing proved that the concern was not superfluous - three batteries sent to professional institutions for testing were cracked, deformed, smoke billowed, sparks splashed and all caught fire during the overcharge test. It is self-evident how risky it is to sell illegally assembled batteries.

In recent years, electric bicycle batteries and fire safety have attracted great attention. With the increase of law enforcement publicity and rectification actions by relevant departments, most citizens' car use habits and safety awareness have improved, and fewer people carry vehicles or batteries into buildings and homes, but the problem of illegally assembling and refitting batteries still exists. According to the report of the city's fire rescue team, there were 41 electric bicycle fires in Beijing in April, and more than seven of them were battery failures, including second-hand vehicles and batteries purchased from the network platform. Although the relevant parties have repeatedly sounded the alarm bell and almost everyone knows that battery modification is a safety hazard, some people choose to take risks in order to obtain longer endurance mileage and higher riding speed.

Public security should not be allowed to pay for one's own interests. The safety technical specifications for lithium-ion batteries for electric bicycles have been clearly defined from the national level to the local level, and relevant law enforcement actions are also ongoing. Recently, the Beijing police, together with relevant departments, have made every effort to promote the special cleaning of illegal assembly and modification of electric bicycles. More than 600 related stores have been checked, 12 illegal modification stores have been investigated, and 7 illegal modification and sales dens have been eliminated. The goal of weaving the cage of the dense system and enforcing the law is to prevent the occurrence of electric bicycle safety accidents from the source.

We must also ask why high-risk black workshops exist? Compared with street shops, small workshops hidden in residential buildings are more hidden corners. For example, in the above-mentioned notified cases, the source of raw materials is located in other places, and the sales entrance exists on some second-hand platforms or video platforms. The traditional focus on offline law enforcement and investigation is really difficult to find; There is almost no threshold for obtaining raw material battery cells, lithium battery use tips, warning signs against indoor charging, forged anti-counterfeiting certificates, etc. On the one hand, it reminds that the law enforcement action needs to be carried out online and offline simultaneously. On the other hand, it requires to review the electric bicycle industry with a full chain approach and standardize the whole process from factory audit to sales and maintenance to recycling.

China is a big producer and consumer of electric bicycles. At present, the number of electric bicycles in the whole society has reached 350 million. The "small electric donkey" that can be seen everywhere on the streets is not only a means of transportation for short trips, but also related to the safety of thousands of families. The problems are typical, large in quantity and wide in scope, and the whole society needs to act together to build a safe defense line around us.

(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

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