Zhao Shuming: Fully stimulate and release the dividend of scientific and technological talents

2024-05-22 07:02 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

Zhao Shuming: Fully stimulate and release the dividend of scientific and technological talents

07:02, May 22, 2024     Source: Economic Daily    

Science and technology are the first productive forces, and talent is the first resource. The fundamental source of national scientific and technological innovation lies in people. Scientific and technological talents are the strong support and guarantee for achieving self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology and promoting high-quality development. In recent years, state-owned enterprises have actively implemented the development policy of scientific and technological talents, explored and improved the management mechanism of scientific and technological talents, and made positive progress in stimulating the innovation and creativity of scientific and technological talents. However, from the current perspective, the science and technology talent management policy is not forward-looking enough, the connection between policies and regulations is not enough, the boundary is vague, and the practical operability is not strong, and the pertinence and accuracy of talent management in state-owned enterprises need to be improved. On the new journey, it is urgent to focus on the construction of scientific and technological talents, highlight the hierarchical classification, systematically optimize the management system of scientific and technological talents, and continuously improve the scientific and technological innovation capability of state-owned enterprises.

Throughout the development of scientific and technological innovation in advanced enterprises, the key to high-quality scientific and technological innovation is to stimulate talent motivation. In the face of the unprecedented change in a century, the importance of scientific and technological innovation in the competition among big countries has been comprehensively enhanced. Stimulating and releasing the dividend of scientific and technological talents is the key to achieving high-quality development of enterprises. World class enterprises need world-class talents, especially world-class scientific and technological talents. At present, the action of deepening the reform and upgrading of state-owned enterprises is being implemented in depth. We must fully understand that talent is the most critical factor for scientific and technological innovation and high-quality development of enterprises, place the construction of scientific and technological talent team in the prominent position of seeking innovation and grasping development, face the construction of world-class enterprises and modern new state-owned enterprises, and adhere to the implementation of the strategy of strengthening enterprises with talents, Adhere to the simultaneous planning of talent development and enterprise development, adhere to the principle that talent is the first resource, take the construction of talent team of state-owned enterprises as an important starting point for the current reform and development of state-owned enterprises, and constantly release talent dividends and stimulate innovation momentum.

The management of scientific and technological talents in state-owned enterprises is highly complex, which needs to consider the influence of many factors, such as the characteristics of enterprises, the characteristics of scientific and technological innovation activities, and the differentiated needs of scientific and technological talents. The key point of constructing and optimizing the talent management system of state-owned enterprises is to form a systematic system architecture, and make key breakthroughs against the differentiated characteristics of state-owned enterprises, so as to realize the organic unity of commonness and individuality, integrity and difference. The management of scientific and technological talents in state-owned enterprises is a complex systematic project, which must adhere to hierarchical and classified management. Centering on the core link of scientific and technological talents management, combined with the group characteristics, demand characteristics and hierarchical classification of scientific and technological innovation activities at different stages, such as basic research, applied research, achievement transformation, etc., it is systematic, integrated, and targeted The design of differentiated scientific and technological talent management system focuses on cultivating, attracting, using and activating outstanding talents, and continuously improves the talent carrying capacity, innovation capacity and competitiveness of state-owned enterprises.

Focus on high-level and multi-level training system to build talent echelon. Fully consider the particularity and growth law of innovative scientific and technological talents, as well as the national scientific and technological development needs and the needs of state-owned enterprises themselves, and accelerate the formation of a system mechanism to introduce and cultivate strategic scientists, first-class scientific and technological leading talents and innovative teams. In the basic research stage, we will focus on strategic scientists and leading scientific and technological talents, and focus on building high-level R&D platforms to cultivate and introduce leading talents in key fields. At the same time, we will attach importance to cultivating young technical forces and strengthening source reserves. In the application research stage, focusing on the backbone of scientific research and young scientific and technological talents, through the design of mechanisms such as "unveiling the list and taking the lead" and "horse racing", cultivate their ability to take the lead. At the same time, introduce them through talent recommendation, joint research, project cooperation and other ways to achieve the cross regional allocation of high-level scientific and technological talents. In the achievement transformation stage, we will focus on compound technical talents with market awareness and product awareness, and cultivate and introduce a group of talents with scientific research and management background to promote the transformation of scientific research achievements by attaching equal importance to R&D, scientific research management and scientific research services.

Focus on diversified and open ways to improve the carrying system and expand talent space. Combining the characteristics of scientific and technological innovation activities and the professional development needs of scientific and technological talents, establish a differentiated and diversified evaluation system, as well as a career development channel system with width horizontally and depth vertically. In the stage of basic research, the relevant evaluation mechanism should reflect major original contributions, national strategic needs, discipline characteristics, academic influence and research ability, focusing on low frequency and long cycle assessment, and improve the post employment, title review, performance assessment and other systems; Talent development should strengthen the support for young scientific and technological talents, and focus on integrating the personal career development of young scientific and technological talents with the national strategy. In the application research stage, it should be guided by technological breakthroughs, introduce market evaluation and social evaluation, and focus on the evaluation of technical standards, technical solutions, high-quality patents and other representative achievements to reflect the ability of technological innovation and integration; Talent development should strengthen the openness of major platforms and projects to young scientific and technological talents, and provide a larger and broader development platform for young scientific and technological talents. In the achievement transformation stage, it should be guided by the efficiency, benefits and industrial contributions of the achievements, and focus on the evaluation of representative achievements such as the industrialization of the achievements and the deep integration of industry, university and research, reflecting the team cooperation ability, the market value and application effectiveness of the achievements, as well as the contribution to economic and social development; Talent development should focus on unblocking the path of professional development of technical managers and building a systematic and efficient talent support system for achievements transformation.

Focus on marketization and long-term establishment of incentive system to stimulate talent vitality. Scientific and technological talent incentive should be based on assessment and evaluation, linked with job responsibilities, risks and work performance, and adhere to the combination of short-term incentive and long-term incentive. In the stage of basic research, it may be considered to give priority to the backbone personnel of basic research into the medium and long-term incentive scope; Special rewards shall be given to teams and individuals who have made significant achievements or outstanding contributions in major applied basic research tasks; Explore the establishment of a retrospective salary system to fully reflect the historical contribution of the backbone of basic research. In the application research stage, it is suggested to establish a medium and long-term incentive mechanism that is compatible with the characteristics of scientific research tasks, take the achievement of task goals as the prerequisite for incentive fulfillment, and give priority to the research teams undertaking national scientific and technological innovation tasks into the medium and long-term incentive plan. In the achievement transformation stage, we can make full use of equity incentives, project income dividends and other ways to promote scientific and technological achievements transformation incentives, income sharing, and pricing investment incentives.

In addition, it is also necessary to establish and improve an integrated scientific and technological talent security system, continuously improve the policy environment, working environment, living environment, public opinion environment, etc. for the development of scientific and technological talents, ensure to attract talents with grand undertakings, pool talents with common ideals, retain talents with good environment, and enhance the stability of scientific and technological talents in state-owned enterprises.

(Source of this article: Zhao Shuming, the author of Economic Daily, is a senior professor of humanities and social sciences at Nanjing University and honorary dean of the School of Business.)

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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