Hu Yongjun: The development of new quality productivity should focus on adjusting measures to local conditions

2024-05-22 07:02 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

Hu Yongjun: The development of new quality productivity should focus on adjusting measures to local conditions

07:02, May 22, 2024     Source: Economic Daily    

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we should firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and develop new quality productive forces according to local conditions. "Adapting measures to local conditions" has become an important methodology for the development of new quality productive forces by various entities in various departments and regions. Developing new quality productive forces is both a development proposition and a reform proposition. In the development of new quality productivity, the key is to focus on key areas, comprehensively deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system, education system, talent system, etc., break through the blocking points that constrain the development of new quality productivity, and form a development atmosphere of bold innovation and trial.

The industrial layout follows the principle of "adjusting measures to local conditions". Develop new quality productivity in the three articles of "transforming and upgrading traditional industries, cultivating and strengthening emerging industries, and laying out and building future industries". General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "the development of new quality productive forces is not to ignore or abandon traditional industries, but to prevent the rush into mass production, bubbles, or a model." To develop new quality productive forces, the first thing is to take traditional industries as an important starting point, and insist on "letting old trees send new branches". Traditional industries cannot be simply withdrawn as low-end industries. Digital technology enables traditional industries to transform into high-end, intelligent and green industries with great potential. Therefore, we should actively promote the "artificial intelligence+" action, focus on the national advanced manufacturing cluster, carry out the equipment update led by "artificial intelligence+", and constantly cultivate and develop new quality productivity with higher efficiency, better quality and more momentum based on new equipment. Second, we should take strategic emerging industries as the main position and insist on making "small trees grow into forests". Strategic emerging industries are an important carrier for the development of new quality productivity. The first batch of 66 national strategic emerging industry clusters should become the leaders of the development of new quality productivity, which can breed a batch of trillion level new pillar industries from strategic emerging industries. Therefore, it is necessary to explore and implement the "doubling plan" of strategic emerging industries, accelerate the cultivation of echelon, select a new batch of strategic emerging industrial clusters in regions with good industrial foundation in China, and actively cultivate world-class enterprises. Third, we should take the future industry as the first step, and adhere to the principle of "cultivating farmland and sowing in early spring". In the medium and long term, the development of new quality productivity ultimately depends on whether the soil for seedling cultivation is good and whether there are many seeds sown. To cultivate future industries, we should not use the method of flooding water with fertilizer, but encourage local governments to explore the construction of future industry pilot areas, speed up the construction of concept verification centers, pilot and pilot bases, application scenario systems, science and innovation funding systems, etc., provide perfect incubation services for future industries, and cultivate future industry start-ups, specialized and new enterprises in echelons.

The innovative layout follows the principle of "adjusting measures to local conditions". Develop new quality productivity in three types of innovation: "original innovation from 0 to 1", "engineering innovation from 1 to 100", and "application innovation from 100 to N". Scientific and technological innovation can give birth to new industries, new models and new driving forces, and is the core element of developing new quality productivity. To develop new quality productivity, first, based on giving play to the advantages of the new national system, carry out "from 0 to 1" original innovation, focus on scientific and technological exploration and technology source supply, focus on brain like intelligence, quantum information, nuclear fusion, cutting-edge new materials, deep sea and other key tracks, carry out research on major scientific issues and research and development of cutting-edge technologies, and let new quality productivity sprout in the laboratory. We should continue to deploy and carry out large-scale scientific plans and projects, build a number of large-scale scientific devices, and mobilize the whole society to continuously apply the latest major achievements of large-scale scientific devices to practice. Second, based on the advantages of massive application scenarios, carry out engineering innovation of "from 1 to 100", accelerate the development of new quality productivity around technology maturation and product transformation, focus on key tracks such as the sixth generation mobile communication system, cell engineering, new energy storage, high-performance composite materials, and nano manufacturing, and integrate engineering technology to iterate maturation and application scenario construction, Accelerate the development of future products and services suitable for supply and demand. We should make good use of the advantages of application scenarios and the dividends of engineers, integrate and optimize innovative carriers such as the National Engineering Research Center, carry out engineering maturation of major scientific and technological achievements, and let major scientific and technological achievements be transformed locally in different application scenarios. Third, based on giving full play to the advantages of industrial foundation with a complete range of industries, carry out "from 100 to N" application innovation, select breakthrough points where some technologies tend to mature, processes are relatively perfect, and large-scale industrialization is in the "foot in the door" situation, and focus on building industrial robots, service robots, biological manufacturing, 3D printing materials and other landmark products, Let more scientific and technological achievements move from laboratory to big market. We should make good use of the advantages of China's complete industrial system, accelerate the innovation of industrial policies, regulatory models, and investment and financing systems, and provide guarantee and support for the cultivation and growth of new quality productivity.

The spatial layout follows the principle of "adjusting measures to local conditions". We will develop new quality productive forces in the regional coordination of "innovative cities take the lead, key regions play a leading role, and the central and western regions give play to their characteristics". There are great differences in science and education resources, industrial foundation and application scenarios in different regions. The development of new quality productive forces cannot follow the same model and go in step. We should focus on what soil to plant what seeds. First, innovative cities with prominent advantages in science and education resources, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Wuhan and Xi'an, should become pioneers in developing new quality productivity. These cities have the advantages of strategic scientific and technological forces such as national laboratories, large institutes and large scientific devices. They need to integrate the whole process factor resources from basic research, applied research to future technology industrialization, and deploy a batch of subversive technology and innovation platforms that can promote economic and social development in advance. The development of new quality productivity cannot be separated from the layout and creation of a number of global technology hubs. It is necessary to encourage Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Xi'an and other cities to pair up with international sister cities to carry out science and innovation cooperation. Second, key regions with prominent industrial foundation advantages, such as Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, Chengdu Chongqing dual city economic circle, should become the main force for the development of new quality productivity. These key areas are the main bearing areas leading the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, the development and expansion of emerging industries, and the prospective layout of future industries. Integrated innovation and application innovation can be carried out through chain owner enterprises, industrial alliances, etc., to maximize the integration effect of "scientists+entrepreneurs" in the industrial chain innovation chain. To develop new quality productivity, we need to focus on key regions to enhance the guarantee of land, capital, energy, and quantity use, and promote the formation of a mechanism of resource sharing, achievement sharing, platform co construction, and ecological integration in key regions. Third, the vast central and western regions should become an important support for the development of new quality productive forces. We should not rush into the market in a rush, but also dare not to act because we think the new quality productivity is too high. The central and western regions have traditional advantageous industries and characteristic application scenarios, so they need to focus on subdividing the track and focus on cultivating a number of individual champion enterprises.

The layout of enterprises follows the principle of "adjusting measures to local conditions". Develop new quality productivity in the enterprise synergy of "large enterprises stand up to the sky and small and medium-sized enterprises spread out to the sky". To abandon the pursuit of short-term investment returns, shop and make quick money, it is necessary for central enterprises and state-owned enterprises to play a leading role, and also for private enterprises to release their vitality, give full play to their advantages and play a good combination of fists, so that new quality productivity can be formed quickly. On the one hand, central enterprises and state-owned enterprises should play a key role in developing new quality productivity, further increase investment in basic research and applied basic research, improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, enhance core functions, and form more symbolic achievements of scientific and technological innovation. On the other hand, private enterprises have contributed 70% of the technological innovation achievements of the whole society, covering 80% of the national "small giant" enterprises specializing in special and new technologies and 90% of high-tech enterprises. They are the most innovative force in the development of new quality productivity. They should better play an important role in scientific and technological innovation. In general, it is necessary to accelerate the cultivation of chain leading enterprises, backbone enterprises, start-ups, etc. according to local conditions, give full play to the innovation advantages of various enterprises, increase key core technology research, improve the transformation rate of scientific and technological achievements and the level of industrialization, and better cultivate and develop new quality productivity.

(Source of this article: The author of Economic Daily is Hu Yongjun, Secretary General of the Future Industry and Platform Economy Research Center of the National Information Center.)

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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