It's time to make three rules for college students to "sleep broadcast" and "teach broadcast"

2024-05-21 07:17 Source: Yangzi Evening News
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

It's time to make three rules for college students to "sleep broadcast" and "teach broadcast"

07:17, May 21, 2024     Source: Yangzi Evening News     Bian Guangchun

The live broadcasting industry has developed rapidly in recent years. Young students actively demonstrate their talents, promote campus culture, start businesses and help farmers with public welfare through live broadcasting, which makes people feel colorful campus life and the young vitality of daring to try. However, some students are biased and broadcast live in classrooms or dormitories at any time, affecting others' normal study and life; In order to do live broadcast, some students fall into the fraud of brokerage companies and training companies, and their rights and interests are not guaranteed. Some people broadcast live under the name of "student", packaged themselves as students' live broadcast, and even broadcast vulgar content for traffic. (May 20, Legal Daily)

Webcast can be subdivided into public welfare or entrepreneurship and wealth creation types such as online entertainment, live broadcast with goods, live science popularization, live broadcast publicity, etc. Webcast, a new business form, has brought infinite space and possibility to everyone. According to the current situation, webcasting can become a profitable channel and career.

The purpose and motivation of college students' active attempt and participation in live broadcast can be understood. However, college students live broadcast in classrooms or dormitories at any time, which is suspected of being hasty and eager for quick success and instant benefit, and also has the danger of unclear bottom line and boundary awareness. In order to create better conditions and create a better atmosphere for the live broadcast of college students, schools should make three rules for the live broadcast of college students.

The live broadcast of college students is different from that of social figures. According to the regulations, live broadcast requires real name authentication, and the anchor must be at least 18 years old. Adult college students meet the live broadcast requirements in age. However, college students do not have their own live broadcast room or space, nor do they have their own professional team. Some of them have only a little knowledge of live broadcast, and it is easy to go astray. What's more, college students should cherish short-term learning opportunities during school, rather than eager to make profits through direct seeding.

The live broadcast of college students can not only focus on themselves, but also on schools and others. Classrooms are places for students to study, and dormitories are places for students to rest. Obviously, they are not live broadcast rooms. When college students broadcast live in classrooms or dormitories, the dove occupied the magpie's nest. At first sight, the students can tolerate it, but then they can tolerate it again and again. It is inevitable that there will be no opinions and contradictions. In addition, although the campus is a public place open to the public, indoor facilities and scenes such as classrooms or dormitories, especially students' every move in the process of learning and life, are all personal privacy.

The live broadcast content of college students is mixed with good and bad content, with frequent chaos and potential risks. Online live broadcast seems to have zero threshold and low cost. Once involved, it may be on the edge of lawlessness and immorality in live broadcast due to popularity, traffic, efficiency and other needs. Henan Pingdingshan Vocational and Technical College once had a sudden death of a college student, Mr. Li, playing games live, and some college students also had bad behaviors such as sideswiping and exposing their privacy, which is incompatible with the requirements of purifying the network environment and creating a "clear sky" network atmosphere. College students have not yet entered the society, so live broadcasting should be cautious.

Live broadcast of college students must have a sense of boundaries. College students should reasonably arrange the live broadcast time according to the school's work and rest time and teaching environment rules, strictly abide by the live broadcast specifications, understand and respect others, and do not affect students' study and rest. More importantly, colleges and universities cannot stand idly by while students broadcast live in violation of regulations. On the one hand, colleges and universities should take the responsibility of guiding and educating students, draw a clear boundary for live broadcast behavior, guide students to live broadcast at appropriate occasions and times, and encourage them to create more positive content. On the other hand, college students who participate in the live broadcast need to strengthen their moral cultivation, follow the corresponding industry norms, and should not harm the interests of others because of "traffic only".

In addition, the platform should also optimize the algorithm and manual review mechanism to resist the spread of vulgar and bad content. The competent department should clarify the role of the gatekeeper of webcast, actively guide the policy, and it is necessary to improve the relevant laws and regulations, punish those malicious live broadcast behaviors accordingly, and increase the illegal cost of malicious live broadcast.

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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