Strengthen the happy industry in "poetry and distance"

2024-05-20 07:30 Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph
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(Editor in charge: Deng Hao)

Strengthen the happy industry in "poetry and distance"

07:30, May 20, 2024     Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph     Wang Chunyu

"Enjoy China, Live a Happy Life" - On May 19 this year, focusing on this theme, we ushered in the 14th "China Tourism Day".

On May 19, 411 years ago, Xu Xiake, a traveler of the Ming Dynasty, went out of Ninghai, Zhejiang Province, and "punched" Tiantai Mountain, sowing the seeds of the future tourism industry. The "China Tourism Day", which was set up in 2011, has witnessed the rapid growth and development of China's tourism industry.

China has formed the largest domestic tourism market in the world. Tourism is increasingly becoming a new strategic pillar industry, a livelihood industry and a happiness industry with distinctive characteristics of the times.

Tourism on the way to promote consumption and expand domestic demand.

Travel thousands of miles and build trillion industries. Data shows that in 2023, the number of domestic tourists will be 4.891 billion, and the total cost of domestic tourists will be 4.91 trillion yuan.

"Erbin" has been "reorganized" again, and the down jacket in Beijing, which netizens called, "has come out". When the "Erbin phenomenon" became popular in winter, some netizens suggested that Harbin build a clothing industry in cold regions, with the brand called "Beijing". At present, in Binxian County, Harbin City, the newly established Harbin Beijing Garment Co., Ltd. is speeding up the construction of workshops, which are expected to be put into production in October.

Gansu Tianshui Spicy Hot Pot, Shandong Zibo Barbecue, Henan Xuchang Pangdong... Tourism makes cities not only "out of the circle" in China, but also attract world attention. Driven by the tourism industry, the fireworks in the streets, the crowded market and the noisy construction sites vividly demonstrate the resilience and vitality of China's economy.

One industry prospers, and all industries prosper. Food, clothing, housing, travel, shopping and entertainment, tourism is a comprehensive industry linking the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, with more than 100 upstream and downstream industries, which is an important hand to smooth the economic cycle. In the first quarter of this year, the supply and demand of the cultural tourism market was strong, and the consumption of catering, transportation, entertainment and other services grew rapidly. With the change of consumption structure of urban and rural residents, tourism driven characteristic service consumption still has huge growth space.

The developing tourism will make the green water and green mountains better turned into golden mountains and silver mountains.

In front of the door is a sea of flowers like clouds, and behind it is a small courtyard with red peppers. Liu Yangshun, a retired forest farm worker who lives deep in the Little Khingan Mountains, ushers in the busiest time of the year again. The big forest and oxygen bar have attracted more and more tourists. Liu Yangshun, who has cut down trees for most of his life, has opened a farmyard, and his business has become more and more popular.

To improve the ecological environment is to develop productivity. Tourism brings endless income to the guardians of green mountains and rivers.

In recent years, the construction of ecological civilization has been further promoted. The Yangtze River basin has been restored to "clean water and green banks, fish leaping and birds flying". The ancient Jinyang scenic spot "Fenhe Late Crossing" has reappeared. Yunnan Erhai's beautiful scenery "Cangshan does not paint for thousands of years, and Erhai has no strings and thousands of zithers". Great America China ignites the enthusiasm of hundreds of millions of tourists. It needs to take tourism as the driving force, promote the realization of high-level protection and development, and continue to transform the good ecological environment into inclusive people's well-being.

Innovative tourism, exploring the symbiosis and co prosperity of humanities and economy.

Create tourism with culture and promote culture with tourism. Tourism is an important carrier of culture, which enables people to pursue inner abundance and spiritual prosperity.

Experience the tea art by the West Lake, watch the shadow play in the Confucius Mansion, and make fish skin paintings by the Wusuli River. During the May Day holiday this year, 72.5758 million people visited the national night culture and tourism consumption cluster area at night, up 6.9% year on year on a comparable basis.

In the peak tourist season, the Palace Museum, Yin Ruins Museum, etc. are "hard to find"; Intangible cultural heritage projects such as Korean folk dance and Dong folk song are fascinating; The "Village Evening", "Village Supermarket" and other rural cultural IPs are popular... The enduring Chinese culture gives tourism an inexhaustible source of creativity and development momentum.

The in-depth integration and development of culture and tourism will enable tourists to feast their eyes and experience the long river of Chinese civilization. In the profound feelings of family and country, they can learn from others and cultivate their hearts.

The development of tourism is at the right time, and goes far with poetic flavor. The booming tourism industry enables people to go to a distant place and taste beauty together, injecting new vitality and opening up new space for China's development.

(Reporter Wang Chunyu) Xinhua News Agency, Harbin, May 19

(Editor in charge: Deng Hao)

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