Online celebrity Guo Youcai has become an "official", an inspirational story or a traffic farce?

2024-05-20 06:44 Source: Rednet
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(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

Online celebrity Guo Youcai has become an "official", an inspirational story or a traffic farce?

06:44, May 20, 2024     Source: Rednet     Chen Qi

Recently, the song "Promise" sung by Guo Youcai, a boy from Heze, Shandong, has attracted a lot of attention. On a video website, Guo Youcai has more than 7 million fans. On May 17, Heze Cultural Tourism sent a video saying, "Guo Youcai was employed as the recommendation officer of Heze Cultural Tourism." (May 17, Rednet)

Who is Guo Youcai? Why did he suddenly become angry? "Guo Youcai", formerly known as Guo Zhuang, claimed that singing every morning was his dream, while running a barbecue stand every night was his life. Heze South Station was Guo Zhuang's fixed live broadcast location. He often combs his classic greasy hair and wears a retro suit, like a middle-aged man who has gone through vicissitudes of life, singing the song "Promise" of the 1990s in the live studio.

Such scenes remind many people of their memories. Some people said that his singing hit their hearts and could not be forgotten for a long time. In just ten days, Guo Youcai's short video account has gained more than 7 million followers, and has been recognized as a cultural tourism recommender by local authorities. In the face of Guo Youcai's explosion, some people think that this is an inspirational story of grassroots turnaround, and send sincere blessings to him. Others believe that this is just a traffic farce created by the platform, and they are worried about this trend.

People's worries are understandable. In the Internet era, network platforms frequently "create gods". From Yu Wenliang to Wen Huijun, to today's Guo Youcai, ordinary people have become popular in a short time, which makes many people who can't keep up with the "trend" confused and feel that they are so angry. After keeping up with the "trend", I found that these popular online celebrities are just ordinary people singing and dancing, and there seems to be nothing extraordinary about them.

These civilian online celebrities have no substance to speak of, but they can gather huge traffic in a short time and trigger a national carnival. This makes some people think that this phenomenon is just a reflection of entertainment to death and flow first, which may cause people to compete to imitate and take the social trend. In fact, such worries need not be too heavy. Online traffic will come and go in a hurry, and will fade out of people's view soon. In the final analysis, people will eventually return to real life. Similar carnival phenomenon, whether it is following the trend or true love, is just a temporary self release.

Put aside the flow filter and personal preconceived likes and dislikes, just look at Guo Youcai himself. His mother died at the age of 10, and his father formed a new family. He entered the society early, learned electric vehicle maintenance, worked as a waiter in the bath center, and worked as a real estate salesman... He also had two failed entrepreneurial experiences. But he still didn't give up. He bought a tutorial to teach himself how to sing. He pursued his dreams while struggling for a living. At present, his own experience can withstand "torture", which is indeed called an inspirational story. As for how long and how far we can go in the future, it's another story.

Inspirational stories or flow farces are just personal subjective judgments. The objective impact of online popularity is worthy of further discussion. For those who support civilian online celebrities, they mostly find resonance in civilian online celebrities, and appreciate their spirit of making fun out of hardship and making silent efforts. It is certainly good for supporters to learn from this upward spirit. And for those who oppose civilian online celebrity, since they have not recognized civilian online celebrity, it is natural that they can not compete to imitate, so how will the future become popular?

One person brings fire to one city. Civilian online popularity has also made certain contributions to improving local popularity and stimulating local economy in the short term. Of course, we should also see that the flow can carry the boat and also capsize it. There are many similar cases of online celebrity rollover. Some characteristics can bring short-term blowout flow, but how to achieve stability depends on internal cultivation, which requires Guo Youcai to maintain his original intention and make progress while maintaining stability. The local cultural tourism industry should also improve its internal skills, and take this opportunity to diversify the development, promote the brand, and improve the service... This is the key to turning the traffic into a reserve.

In the final analysis, we might as well understand more about the emergence of civilian Internet celebrities and the "farce" of netizens' carnival. There is no absolute good or bad thing in the world. The key is how to guide it correctly so that it can show a good side.

(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

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