Give full play to the educational and research functions of museums

2024-05-17 17:30 Source: China Economic Network
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(Editor in charge: Deng Hao)

Give full play to the educational and research functions of museums

17:30, May 17, 2024     Source: China Economic Network    

   News background:

May 18 this year is the 48th International Museum Day, with the theme of "museums are committed to education and research". As a historical epitome and cultural treasure house, museums have gone beyond the traditional collection and display functions and gradually evolved into an important place for education and research.

   Connected with more profound space-time

When wandering around museums, people often have the feeling of "traveling for thousands of years and talking about ancient and modern times". Whether it is historical relics, works of art, or natural specimens, scientific and technological exhibits, we can intuitively feel the colorful world, and truly experience the changes of time, so as to enrich our understanding of culture and history. Awakening the history in the exhibition cabinet and reading the stories in the cultural relics can let us know where we came from, where we are, and where we are going, so as to connect with the more profound time and space. detailed

For a long time, the "treasure of town museum" in museums around China has always been talked about by people. These collections often carry a long history and bright culture, silently and forcefully telling "why China". With the growing development of the museum cause and the deepening of the museum connotation, more and more subdivisions are worth and can have a museum. The "treasure of town hall" is not only precious cultural relics. Representative artifacts in a certain field, physical, intangible, and even daily articles used by ordinary people, all have their own "being seen" value. detailed

   Education is the soul and research is the cornerstone

If collections are the heart of museums, then education is the soul of museums. For a city, a museum is a "heat source" of culture, which can continuously release cultural influence. To better realize the educational function of museums, the key is to make the value and significance contained in the collections easier to observe and understand. Only by better activating personal feelings and thinking can more audiences become "active audiences", learn through discovery, think through exploration, and gain spiritual pleasure and spiritual satisfaction. detailed

The museum is a bridge connecting the past, the present and the future. The most important cornerstone of this bridge is research. From the collection and protection of museum collections to value mining, to public education, open services, cultural and creative product development, these works need to be based on research. Only by well protecting and managing the cultural relics embodying Chinese culture, and strengthening research and utilization, can we not only inherit the achievements and glory of our ancestors, and enhance national self-esteem and self-confidence, but also remember the setbacks and lessons of history, so as to avoid detours and make better progress. detailed

   Let precious heritage shine in the new era

The verb between the audience and the museum is "visit". Because the initial relationship between the two is one-way, the museum collects and displays the collections, and the audience watches through the glass or isolation rope of the display cabinet. However, this traditional relationship is being broken, and "experience" is becoming the demand and expectation of young people for museums. Museums are increasingly becoming a cultural complex, becoming more and more open and accessible, more diverse and inclusive, more and more experienced and participatory. detailed

Culture is rooted and civilization is active. Inheriting cultural blood no longer depends on the yellowing memory in history books. The museum records the "wonderful life" of the ancients, and also contains the "poetry and distance" of modern people, which is full of fun and reverie. We expect that with the high-quality development of the museum cause, more precious heritage carrying splendid civilization, inheriting history and culture, and maintaining national spirit will shine again in the new era. detailed

   (The above comprehensive People's Daily, China Youth Daily, Nanfang Daily)

   V perspective:

@It's really not a poisonous mushroom: do you have any friends who like clocking in museums? Everywhere I go, I have to go to the museum.

@Pang Hu's younger brother: It is said that visiting the National Expo, visiting the Forbidden City and climbing the Great Wall are known as "triathlons".

@Pangdoudou's Weibo: The National Expo is really worth seeing. I haven't seen it all for three days.

Pippi Liuliu: Basically, all provincial museums in China have to stay for a full day to visit.

   Editor's Note:

"A museum is a big school." The museum is not only a witness of history, but also a inheritor of culture. The museum will have a stronger cultural influence, appeal and vitality by highlighting characteristics, subdividing types, improving collection, improving exhibition, giving full play to education and research functions, and allowing more people to meet high-quality cultural resources and resonate with excellent traditional culture.

   Review: Previous reviews of "classics"

(Editor in charge: Deng Hao)

Wonderful pictures