Provide more development opportunities for childcare women

2024-05-17 08:00 Source: People's Daily
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(Editor in charge: Deng Hao)

Provide more development opportunities for childcare women

08:00, May 17, 2024     Source: People's Daily     Aidan

In recent years, many places across the country are encouraging enterprises to provide "mother posts" for childcare women, so that mothers can better balance work and childcare. Some stay at home moms don't want to work again, but they can't get out because of the family burden. The posts specially set up for mothers, with flexible working hours, provide the option of balancing work and family, and are popular.

To prevent mothers from sacrificing their career development for bringing their children, we need more types of "mom posts" with stronger security. In reality, handicraft workers, customer service personnel, and delivery personnel are the main types of "mom posts". These posts are quick to start, flexible to work, and do not require high skills. Most of them belong to labor-intensive industries. There are also some "mother posts" with high labor intensity, low treatment and inadequate welfare security. With the development of society, the setting of "Mom Post" should keep pace with the times, strengthen vocational training, provide multiple choices, and solve the "yes" and "no" problems as a whole to better meet the diverse needs of mothers.

With the implementation of the three child policy, the problem of "who will bring the baby" has become more prominent. It is necessary to solve the problem of insufficient supply of childcare services so as to untie childcare mothers so that they can return to the workplace and better realize their value in life. The first meeting of the 20th Central Finance and Economics Commission stressed: "We should establish and improve the fertility support policy system, vigorously develop the inclusive childcare service system, significantly reduce the burden of family childcare education, promote the construction of a fertility friendly society, and promote the long-term balanced development of the population." This year's Government Work Report proposed that "multi-channel increase the supply of childcare services". Only by speeding up the improvement of inclusive and safe childcare service system, effectively complementing the shortcomings of childcare services, and strengthening the supervision of hardware facilities, service quality, food safety and other aspects, can mothers be relieved of their worries and put them at ease to work.

"Mommy Post" concerns thousands of families and demonstrates corporate social responsibility. From the exploration in Shandong, Hubei, Guangdong and other places, some employers are encouraged to take out some professional technology and management posts to set up "mom posts", some flexible employees who meet the conditions to apply for "mom posts" are given social insurance subsidies, and some employers who provide "mom posts" are provided with VAT, urban maintenance and construction tax and other related taxes and fees. The establishment of "mother post" is not only to provide a job, but also to unite efforts from social security, labor rights, corporate responsibility and other aspects to jointly provide more development opportunities for childcare women.

It should also be noted that building a child-bearing friendly society and unblocking employment channels for child-bearing women are only one aspect. It is expected that more measures will be taken in the future to further reduce the cost of childbearing education and provide more comprehensive protection and support for mothers.

(Excerpted from Hubei Daily, formerly titled "Mother's Post" is more real in name)

(Editor in charge: Deng Hao)

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