Promote the overall revitalization of rural areas with the deep integration of agriculture, culture and tourism

2024-05-16 07:18 Source: People's Daily
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(Editor in charge: Zang Mengya)

Promote the overall revitalization of rural areas with the deep integration of agriculture, culture and tourism

07:18, May 16, 2024     Source: People's Daily     Ren Peng

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "To comprehensively promote rural revitalization, it is necessary to base on characteristic resources, adhere to science and technology to promote agriculture, develop new industries and new formats such as rural tourism and leisure agriculture according to local conditions, connect production, processing and marketing, integrate agriculture, culture and tourism, promote the development and growth of rural industries, and let farmers share more of the value-added benefits of the industry." We should thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, and take the "integration of agriculture, culture and tourism" as an important starting point to promote the overall revitalization of rural areas.

In recent years, the integration of rural culture and tourism has shown an unprecedented dynamic trend. The scale continues to expand, the business types gradually enrich, and the product structure continues to optimize, providing strong support for promoting the transformation and upgrading of rural culture and tourism industry and improving the quality of life of rural residents. However, it should also be noted that the integration of rural culture and tourism still has a long way to go in order to give play to the overall effectiveness of "one plus one is more than two" and play a more important role in promoting the overall revitalization of rural areas. It needs to focus on solving problems such as shallow integration, product supply quality to be improved, lack of skilled talents, and imperfect security mechanism. At present, digital technology represented by 5G, AI, big data and industrial Internet is promoting the transformation and upgrading of a series of traditional industries. As a key force leading a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, the new generation of digital technology is of great significance for effectively solving the practical problems faced by the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism, and can become an important support for promoting the deep integration of rural culture and tourism in a deeper, broader and higher level.

Continue to promote the optimization and upgrading of rural cultural tourism industry. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "industrial revitalization is the top priority of rural revitalization and also the starting point of practical work." The rapid development of digital technology has spawned a large number of new industries, new forms and new models, and has also brought new impetus and vitality to the in-depth integration and development of agriculture, culture and tourism. We should firmly seize the new opportunities of digital development, and vigorously promote the upgrading of rural characteristic cultural tourism industry with scientific and technological innovation as the engine. The first is to build a new pattern of rural cultural and tourism industry that is "enabled by science and technology and integrated with three industries". Take cultural tourism as an important medium, build a "digital intelligence" cultural tourism innovation and entrepreneurship platform, link the primary, secondary and tertiary industry element resources, integrate new production factors, promote the deep integration of rural cultural tourism with ecological agriculture, processing trade, leisure services, etc., and research and develop characteristic cultural tourism products, create digital cultural tourism projects, transform and improve various tourism business types according to the endowments of different regions, Improve the scientific and technological quality of rural cultural tourism. The second is to explore the new business form of rural culture and tourism, which is "integration of culture and tourism and mutual promotion of agriculture and tourism". Actively integrate rural cultural and tourism resources, digitally integrate and develop cultural and tourism IP resources such as rural cultural relics, characteristic buildings, folk arts, and pastoral scenery, create new business types such as rural intangible cultural heritage experience tour, ecological agricultural sightseeing park, and smart agricultural industrial park, and enhance the added value of cultural and tourism industry development in promoting the integrated development of agriculture, culture, and tourism. The third is to develop a new marketing model of "digital+cultural tourism". Aiming at the direction of digitalization and intelligence, we will vigorously develop rural cultural and tourism digital media, actively use new media such as short videos and live broadcasts, build a one-stop intelligent cultural and tourism comprehensive service platform, create a number of digital cultural and tourism brands integrating leisure, entertainment, sightseeing, etc., and achieve "circle breaking" communication of rural cultural and tourism.

Form the agglomeration effect of rural cultural, tourism and scientific and technological talents. Talents are the first resource to promote the deep integration and development of agriculture, culture and tourism. We must give priority to the development of human resources and vigorously cultivate scientific and technological talents who can gather all kinds of talents, especially those who can promote the deep integration of agriculture, culture and tourism. On the one hand, we should adhere to the principle of introducing talents and cultivating talents at the same time, and strive to expand the increase of scientific and technological talents and improve the quality of scientific and technological talents. It is necessary to comply with the trend of digital development, create a digital talent introduction space for real-time interaction and immersive experience through rural live broadcast and "cloud post", encourage talents to realize online rural services, and transform the live broadcast traffic of rural cultural tourism IP into talent increment. At the same time, strengthen the construction of smart cultural tourism and digital rural high skilled talent team, for example, create a digital literacy and skills training base for rural cultural tourism talents, hold rural cultural tourism e-commerce special training classes, etc., and cultivate a group of "local experts", "Tian Xiucai" and "rural entrepreneurs" who can play a leading role in backbone. On the other hand, we should implement a more active and open policy for scientific and technological talents, play a good "hometown card", read "talent retention classics", and achieve "nesting and attracting phoenix". By establishing an effective incentive mechanism, formulating supporting preferential policies such as entrepreneurial subsidies, effectively improving the welfare of scientific and technological personnel, and effectively improving the enthusiasm of rural cultural and tourism scientific and technological talents from the aspects of performance rewards, spiritual encouragement, and professional title and job promotion. At the same time, we will increase investment in rural infrastructure construction, improve the supply quality of education, medical care, culture and other public services, build a platform for officers to start businesses, create a heart warming and retaining environment, absorb a group of educated, management savvy and innovative compound technical talents, and inject talent into the in-depth integration and development of agriculture, culture and tourism.

Improve the governance level of integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism. The integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism that we promote is to promote the integrated development of rural comprehensive revitalization services, and must ensure the correct development direction. In the era of digital networking and intelligence, digital technology can improve the "digital intelligence" governance level of the integrated development of rural culture and tourism. First, adhere to the problem oriented and demand oriented. Comprehensively use the enabling role of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things and cloud computing to build a "Internet+" rural cultural tourism service feedback platform, form a "digital intelligence" feedback mechanism, and accurately grasp the supply and demand trend, market demand, tourist satisfaction, etc. of the rural cultural tourism market. Second, build a normalized digital supervision system. Relying on the digitalization of cultural and tourism products and services, form a digital supervision of the rural cultural and tourism industry in all fields, from all angles and all chains, and constantly improve the supervision ability and efficiency of cultural and tourism market regulators. At the same time, we will further strengthen the integration, analysis, development and utilization of data resources, improve the all-round risk early warning mechanism of the rural cultural and tourism market, and effectively improve the emergency support capacity of cultural and tourism industry operators and managers. Third, we need to build a digital rural cultural and tourism cooperation platform with multi subject participation. This cooperation platform should integrate the functions of resource coordination, information sharing, interaction and exchange, and realize the effective docking of various resource elements.

(The author is the Dean of the College of Marxism, Northeastern University)

(Editor in charge: Zang Mengya)

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