Science and technology enable high-quality development of cultural tourism integration

2024-05-16 07:17 Source: People's Daily
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(Editor in charge: Zang Mengya)

Science and technology enable high-quality development of cultural tourism integration

07:17, May 16, 2024     Source: People's Daily     Dai Bin

The National Library has created a "5G panoramic VR" Yongle Grand Ceremony "and held a" VR exhibition of Travels in Ancient Books "to provide readers with digital exhibition services; Zhejiang launched the online application of "Zheli Cultural Circle" to integrate rich cultural and tourism activity information and digital resources, and help public cultural services to benefit Zhida; "Visit Huangshan first, pay later, credit travel" is a convenient way for tourists to travel and develop a new scene of digital cultural consumption... Today, with the accelerated application of new technologies such as the Internet, big data, virtual reality, etc. in the field of culture and tourism, science and technology enable the integration of culture and tourism to high-quality development and show a bright future with great vitality and unlimited potential. "Actively promoting the deep integration and development of culture and tourism" is an important requirement put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and it is the proper meaning of insisting on building tourism with culture and highlighting tourism with tourism. Science and technology are the first productive forces, and innovation is the first driving force. To promote the deep integration and development of culture and tourism, we must give full play to the important role of science and technology in leading and supporting the integration and development of culture and tourism, seek momentum from science and technology, make "poetry" and "distance" better connected, and make life better.

Science and technology inject new momentum into the deep integration of culture and tourism

In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, people have personally felt the change of tourism methods, and also realized that science and technology has provided a broader space for the integrated development of culture and tourism.

Culture is the soul of tourism, and tourism is the carrier of culture. The two are naturally linked. With the improvement of living standards, people's demand for cultural tourism is growing day by day. Now cultural tourism activities are no longer a few people's travel and sightseeing, but public leisure activities. At the same time, people also have more urgent needs for cultural and tourism integration. It is an important issue for the integrated development of culture and tourism that how to effectively connect the personalized demand of the public in culture and tourism with the decentralized supply of culture and tourism in various economic and social fields. To solve this problem, an important aspect is to use scientific and technological means. In this regard, online travel service providers, theme parks using augmented reality technology and immersive experience spaces have been created. This also means promoting the in-depth integration and development of culture and tourism to better meet the needs of the public. We can no longer rely on the stock of resources as we did in the past tourism era, but rely on scientific and technological growth.

With the development of information technology, people can easily access text, audio and video information related to culture and art online, and have more options for visiting and traveling. The constantly developing new scene of digital cultural consumption allows people to complete a "cloud upstream" without running around. Science and technology applications, represented by mobile Internet and big data, are comprehensively changing the way tourists collect tourism information, travel decision-making, tourism consumption behavior and satisfaction evaluation, and connecting various fragmented needs of people in the tourism process with the decentralized supply of cultural and tourism resources in an instant and effective manner. Consumer oriented robot food delivery service, unmanned aerial vehicle delivery and distribution, unmanned aerial vehicle travel photography service, self driving remote rescue service, etc. have been widely penetrated into tourism and leisure scenes. It can be said that technology is making cultural tourism consumption show new charm and injecting new momentum into the in-depth integration and development of cultural tourism.

It has become a consensus that science and technology can help the integrated development of culture and tourism, whether it is to use digital means to innovate artistic expressions, make full use of cultural facilities and tourism service sites to build digital cultural experience scenes, or strengthen the construction of public digital cultural resources. Science and technology enable the integration of high-quality development of culture and tourism, and promote the development of culture and tourism to change the old thinking mode. For example, in the development of tourism resources, it is no longer limited to drilling mountains and finding holes, and it is also necessary to research the local historical celebrities. Science and technology enable the integration of high-quality development of culture and tourism, but also to avoid some negative tendencies. For example, in the construction of tourist destinations, we cannot simply take the shortcut of "Internet popularity", and try to develop culture and tourism by slogans, copywriting and online traffic. It should be deeply recognized that in the context of science and technology enabling the integration of cultural and tourism with high-quality development, good cultural and tourism activities should allow tourists to get a beautiful experience outside the landscape and experience the power of science and technology behind cultural and tourism activities.

Guide new supply of science and technology with new demand of culture and tourism

In order to meet the people's new expectations and requirements for high-quality development of cultural tourism integration, smart cultural tourism, digital cultural tourism, science and technology cultural tourism, etc. have changed from concept to reality. From government led command platform construction to tourism destination planning, construction, promotion and operation, smart cultural tourism, digital cultural tourism, science and technology cultural tourism are constantly transformed into a large number of accessible projects, products and services. We should focus on new needs and constantly improve the ability and level of science and technology enabled cultural and tourism integration for high-quality development.

At present, the booming cultural and tourism industry not only meets the people's pursuit of high-quality life, continuously promotes the economic and social development of relevant regions, but also constantly guides relevant scientific and technological innovation. For example, with the recovery of the global tourism industry, both foreigners' tourism in China and Chinese outbound tourism have shown a trend of individual tourists and individualization. Tourists have more and more consumption scenes of non-native language communication, and more and more consumption links need to be handled independently. Geographic information search, non-native language communication, and the use of public transport are increasingly rigid. To have an efficient and good travel experience, tourists need machine translation based on artificial intelligence, geographic information search based on big data, online payment tools, etc. Against this backdrop, real-time translation technology based on 5G communication, smart phones and big data, augmented reality technology based on micro wearable or even non wearable devices are entering the market cultivation period and investment growth period. We should seize the opportunity to guide the new supply of science and technology with the new demand of culture and tourism.

Practice has proved that the integration of culture and tourism is an effective scenario for the application of science and technology, as well as an important engine for scientific and technological innovation. Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, the in-depth integration of culture and tourism needs to improve the level of scientific and technological support, focus on the major strategic and practical needs of the integration of culture and tourism, and comprehensively improve the cultural and tourism technological innovation ability. It is necessary to accelerate the informatization construction, promote the digital, networked and intelligent development of cultural tourism, and promote the application of 5G, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, etc. in the field of cultural tourism. It is necessary to use authoritative and systematic data as support to clarify the demand for artificial intelligence and advanced intelligent manufacturing in culture and tourism, as well as the prospect of market introduction and commercial application, so as to form a clear judgment on cultural and tourism scientific and technological innovation and do a good job in top-level design. It is necessary to improve the supply capacity of equipment technology and strengthen the application of new technologies and materials in the manufacturing of cultural and tourism equipment. We should promote the transformation of cultural and tourism scientific and technological innovation achievements, and strive to organically combine technological innovation with the development of the cultural and tourism industry.

Promote the integration of culture and tourism in a broader scope, a deeper level and a higher level

High quality development of science and technology enabled culture and tourism integration is a systematic project, which requires a long time effort and joint efforts. We should focus on the two attributes of cause and industry, domestic and international perspectives, resources and markets, do a good job in top-level design, pay attention to layered docking, and let cultural tourism achieve integration in a broader range, deeper level and higher level.

Focus on meeting people's cultural and tourism needs. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the cultural industry and the tourism industry are inseparable" and "promote the integrated development of culture and tourism, so that people can appreciate the beauty of culture and cultivate the beauty of the soul while enjoying the beauty of nature". Science and technology enable the integration of culture and tourism with high-quality development. We should adhere to the people as the center, and strive to meet the people's cultural needs and tourism needs. We should not only make people travel, afford to travel and have fun, but also improve the people's happiness index through high-quality development of cultural and tourism integration. It is necessary to strengthen demand guidance, deeply analyze and grasp the impact of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence big models, high-end equipment manufacturing such as general aircraft and cruise yachts on the integrated development of culture and tourism. On the basis of understanding the market, we should find demand, meet demand, create demand, and focus on those technologies that can form new consumption scenarios and improve the quality of cultural and tourism activities, so as to constantly meet the people's personalized and diverse cultural and tourism needs.

Improve the digital literacy of cultural and tourism practitioners. The wide application of new technologies not only brings people a new audio-visual experience, forms a new format for the integration and development of culture and tourism, but also puts forward new requirements for the culture and tourism industry and industry talent training. For example, there is an urgent need to focus on training compound talents who not only understand culture and tourism, but also master digital technology and its application scenarios. Specifically, in the tourism industry, as the perceivers of changes in tourism market demand and practitioners of technology applications, tourism industry practitioners should take the lead in realizing their own digital transformation, such as vigorously improving AI literacy and skills. At the same time, it is also necessary to promote practitioners in cultural creativity, fashion life and other fields to strengthen cooperation with practitioners in tourism resorts, travel services and other fields, use technology to empower traditional enterprises, let culture lead tourism development, and let tourism expand the market for culture.

Improve the supply level of cultural tourism products and services. With the further development of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, the new demand for cultural and tourism integration will continue to be released in the development of science and technology, and the supply level of cultural and tourism products and services will also continue to be improved under the empowerment of science and technology. On the one hand, it is necessary to constantly reduce the cost of cultural and tourism products and services through technology empowerment, so as to realize the convenience of cultural and tourism services, the intelligence of cultural and tourism management, and the diversification of cultural and tourism formats. On the other hand, in the face of new business forms, new scenarios and new models of cultural tourism brought by technology empowerment, it is necessary to improve governance capabilities, effectively improve cultural tourism management methods, service processes, product supply, etc., and provide effective support for continuously improving the level of cultural tourism products and service supply.

(The author is the president of China Tourism Research Institute)

(Editor in charge: Zang Mengya)

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