Building the lifeline of manufacturing power with standards

2024-05-16 07:13 Source: Guangming Daily
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(Editor in charge: Zang Mengya)

Building the lifeline of manufacturing power with standards

07:13, May 16, 2024     Source: Guangming Daily     Wang Shengxiao

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "standards determine quality, and quality depends on the standards. Only high standards can lead to high quality". This year's Government Work Report proposed to strengthen the standard guidance and quality support, and create more "Made in China" brands with international influence. Standards promote innovation and development, and standards lead the progress of the times. Standardization is an important driving force for innovation and development, a core element of the quality technology foundation of the manufacturing industry, and plays a fundamental and leading role in promoting high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. The standardization strategy is a major measure to promote the transformation of a manufacturing country into a manufacturing power. It is of great significance for the development of new quality productivity, the construction of new development patterns, and the promotion of high-quality development.

Standard guidance is an urgent need to promote scientific and technological innovation and develop new quality productivity. The key to cultivating and developing new quality productivity is to accelerate the application of scientific and technological achievements. Standards are the "booster" to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. The rapid diffusion of innovation achievements through standards can generate a powerful innovation power, lead the development of new industries and new models, and make scientific and technological innovation play a greater role. At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the trend of synergy between technical standards and scientific and technological innovation is more significant. Standardization has been deeply embedded in the whole process of scientific and technological innovation, integrating and promoting each other, providing important support for accelerating the application, industrialization and marketization of scientific and technological achievements. China should strengthen independent innovation, promote the combination of independent brands, intellectual property rights and standardization, vigorously promote technology patenting, patent standardization, and standard industrialization, constantly improve China's standard level, and improve China's ability to allocate innovation resources globally.

Standard guidance is an inevitable requirement for improving the resilience and security level of the industrial chain supply chain and building a new development pattern. The key to building a new development pattern lies in the unimpeded economic cycle, and standardization can play an important role in connectivity and support. On the one hand, standards are the "hard constraint" on quality, and also the "universal language" and "international passport" of manufacturing industry. The world needs coordinated development of standards, and standards promote world connectivity. China actively participates in international standardization activities and promotes the convergence of upstream and downstream standards in the industrial chain, which can effectively realize the mutual promotion of domestic and international double circulation. On the other hand, standards are an important part of participating in the formulation of global economic and trade rules and improving the discourse power of global governance systems. Those who set standards have the right to speak; Whoever masters the standards will occupy the commanding heights. China should lead the formulation of standards for key technologies and industries, build a highland of international standards, effectively improve the resilience and security of the industrial chain supply chain, and shape China's new advantages in participating in international cooperation and competition.

In recent years, China has comprehensively promoted the promotion of standardization in various fields. The National Standardization Development Outline has made specific arrangements for the interactive development of standardization and scientific and technological innovation, upgrading the level of industrial standardization, and improving the level of standardization opening to the outside world. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to "steadily expand the institutional openness of rules, regulations, management, standards, etc.". The quantity and quality of China's standards have been greatly improved, the standard system has been increasingly improved, and the awareness of standardization has been constantly improved.

However, we should also see that there are still some problems in China, such as lack of standards, lagging standards, overlapping standards and so on. The number and quality of standardized talents are still lagging behind the international standards, which has become a "barrier" to the scale, industrialization and marketization of China's manufacturing industry. In this regard, China should strengthen the cooperation between the main bodies, improve governance efficiency, strengthen talent training, promote international cooperation, and promote high-quality development with high standards.

First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the cooperation of the main bodies and promote the "collective leadership" of standard formulation. Enterprises should give full play to their important role in the formulation of standards, improve their strategic awareness of standardization development, strengthen standardization cooperation with universities, scientific research institutions and other multiple entities, give full play to the pivotal role of industry associations, establish standards promotion alliances in key fields with the focus on "key core technology tackling+standard formulation", and deploy technology research and development, standard development and industrial promotion simultaneously, In particular, advanced manufacturing clusters such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, new energy, aerospace and so on will expand the supply of medium and high-end products with high-level standards, forming a new pattern of "standards leading industry, enterprises and brands leading".

Secondly, we should improve governance efficiency and promote a better combination of effective markets and promising governments. First, strengthen the government's unified management of mandatory standards, optimize and improve recommended standards, and highlight the public welfare attribute. Second, give play to the flexible mechanism role of the market in cultivating and developing group standards, improve the filing management of enterprise standards, gradually improve the standardization and rule of law construction, and stimulate market vitality. The third is to coordinate the system and mechanism of standardization work management, strengthen the synergy of standardization management of all departments and places, and form an effective governance system and capacity.

Thirdly, we should strengthen talent training and create a "cradle" and "gathering place" for standardized talents. We should strengthen the construction of the standardization expert team, give full play to the role of think tanks, further build an influential comprehensive standards research institution, and strengthen the standardization theory and application research. We will improve the standardized talent training mechanism, incorporate standardized courses into higher education, vocational education, continuing education, etc., strengthen the construction of discipline system and textbook system, and promote the deep integration of colleges and enterprises by focusing on practical training.

In addition, it is necessary to promote international cooperation, and promote the combination of "bringing in" of international standards and "going out" of Chinese standards. Increase the adoption of international standards, vigorously promote mutual recognition of Chinese and foreign standards, and build a standard system compatible with international standards. We will actively promote standard institutional openness, help high-tech innovation with high standards, and lead high-quality development. Actively support and participate in international manufacturing standardization activities, participate in the formulation of international standards, enhance the international community's standard trust with the quality trust of "Made in China", and promote the effective connection of policies, rules, standards, etc.

(The author is a researcher of Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era of the Central Party School [National School of Administration])

(Editor in charge: Zang Mengya)

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