Urban governance requires embroidery efforts

2024-05-16 06:52 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Zang Mengya)

Urban governance requires embroidery efforts

06:52, May 16, 2024     Source: Economic Daily    

Recently, the 2024 Shanghai (International) Flower Show with the theme of "Flower 'Gathering', Making Shanghai More Beautiful" arrived as scheduled. This Shanghai Flower Show attempted to transform from an industrial flower show to an urban flower show. Through the layout of the whole city flower show of "three main venues+six sub venues+multiple urban theme nodes", a beautiful atmosphere of "flourishing flowers" was created in the urban public space.

A small step in the transformation of the flower show reflects a big step in the improvement of Shanghai's governance pattern as a megacity. This transformation not only reflects the high attention of urban managers to urban aesthetics and residents' quality of life, but also highlights their profound grasp of details and residents' feelings. The governance of megacities requires both macro strategic vision and micro practical ability. This is like embroidery, which requires both exquisite design and fine embroidery skills. From the transformation of Shanghai Flower Show, we can easily see the specific application of "embroidery" in urban management and its importance in improving the quality of life of residents and the overall quality of the city.

Urban management involves many aspects such as urban planning, environmental protection, community construction, and public services. Efforts to "embroider" these aspects need to be based on accurate understanding of residents' needs and continuous improvement of service quality. In recent years, Shanghai has focused on building a "home front" service system for letters and visits. By extending the letters and visits service to the grass-roots level, it has not only improved the efficiency of government services, but also made residents feel the timely support from the government when encountering difficulties. Huamu Street in Pudong New Area adheres to the combination of source prevention and resolution, and creates "circle protection" for building groups, neighborhood committees, communities, and street petition mediation; Xietu Road Neighborhood, Xuhui District, integrates the "Jiamenkou" petition service into the "Life Box" party mass service center to achieve "one-stop acceptance, package mediation, and full chain service"... This service concept based on the needs of residents and people centered is the core value in the governance of megacities.

"Embroidery" also means that it is impossible to do a good job in the governance of megacities overnight, which requires patience and sustained investment. For example, the per capita green space area in Shanghai is increasing year by year, which is the result of long-term green development; The accumulation of quantity has brought about a qualitative leap, making pushing the window to see green and going out on the spot become the normal life of citizens. This normalized green lifestyle not only improves the quality of life of citizens, but also lays a solid foundation for sustainable urban development.

It should also be noted that the megacity itself is a complex ecosystem, and any change in details may trigger a chain reaction of the whole system. Therefore, urban managers should find the best balance between macro and micro with the overall concept and fine management ability, so that they can not only design a grand blueprint, but also turn it into reality, and carve and maintain it with care, patience and ingenuity to make the city full of vitality and vitality. Only in this way can citizens feel the temperature of the city and improve their sense of belonging and happiness. It is expected that more cities will create beautiful homes suitable for living, working and traveling with "embroidery" efforts. (Source: Economic Daily Author: Li Zhiguo)

(Editor in charge: Zang Mengya)

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