Ren Rong: Continuously expand high-level opening up

2024-05-16 06:52 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Zang Mengya)

Ren Rong: Continuously expand high-level opening up

06:52, May 16, 2024     Source: Economic Daily    

Opening up promotes reform, development and prosperity. The Central Economic Work Conference proposed that we must adhere to relying on reform and opening up to enhance the endogenous power of development, comprehensively promote deep reform and high-level opening up, constantly liberate and develop social productivity, stimulate and enhance social vitality. Expanding high-level opening up is a major strategic deployment for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. Promoting high-quality development requires high-level opening up to meet and coordinate with it. We must deeply understand the connotation and significance of expanding high-level opening up, further improve the level of opening up, enhance the linkage effect of domestic and international markets and two resources, promote China's deep participation in global industrial division and cooperation, and provide a strong driving force for building an open world economy.

Understand the meaning of high-level openness

The high level of opening up is reflected in paying more attention to improving quality, efficiency and efficiency, shifting from quantitative and extensive development to qualitative and innovative development, expanding from commodity and factor flow opening to rules and other institutional opening, focusing more on the internal and external linkage of development, focusing on exploring the endogenous power of opening up, and accelerating the formation of a wider range and fields A new pattern of comprehensive opening up at a deeper level.

First, expand the scope of opening up and expand the areas of opening up. High level opening up includes not only the opening of commodity and service markets, but also the opening of capital and other markets, and covers more economic fields and industries, including service trade, finance, manufacturing, etc. Expand the geographical scope of opening up, including promoting the development of national relations, participating in the division of labor and cooperation in the global value chain, and encouraging foreign investment. A high level of opening up requires adhering to the coordination of domestic and foreign needs, the balance of import and export, the equal emphasis on bringing in and going out, the simultaneous development of capital and technology, and the mutual promotion of domestic and international double circulation, so as to realize the smooth flow of commodity factor resources in a larger range.

Second, improve the system and mechanism and promote institutional openness. High level opening needs institutional guarantee. Building a new open economic system is an inevitable requirement for winning the initiative of economic development and international competition with the initiative of opening to the outside world. By accelerating the reform of institutions and mechanisms related to the open economy, establishing fair, transparent and effective market rules, and building a market-oriented, legalized and internationalized first-class business environment, it is conducive to promoting trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, attracting more foreign investment, stimulating market vitality, improving operational efficiency, and improving the level and quality of openness. Institutional opening means that the focus of opening up extends from the border to the border, and that rules, regulations, management, standards, etc. in the economic and trade field are integrated with the world, which means a deeper integration of opening up and reform. It is necessary to accurately grasp the evolution characteristics and development trend of international economic and trade rules, build an institutional system and regulatory model that are connected with high standard economic and trade rules, build a free trade pilot zone with high standards, better play the role of a pilot field of reform and opening up, and provide institutional guarantee for promoting deeper reform and higher level opening up.

Third, promote development by opening up and stimulate economic potential. Promoting high-level opening up is conducive to improving the quality of economic development. By strengthening the connection with the external market and introducing advanced technology, management experience and funds, we can promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries to industries with high added value and high technology content, enhance industrial competitiveness, and further promote the adjustment and optimization of economic structure, so as to make economic development more competitive and sustainable. In addition, a high level of opening up can make the domestic market more open and more competitive, thus enhancing economic vitality. By participating in the international cycle, we will gather and integrate the global high-end factors, promote the rational flow and efficient allocation of domestic factor resources, give full play to China's super large market, complete industrial system and other advantages, break through the key blocking points that restrict the economic cycle, and improve the efficiency and level of the domestic big cycle.

Fourth, promote mutual benefit and win-win results and deepen international cooperation. High level opening up requires deepening international cooperation and exchange, strengthening communication with international organizations, governments and enterprises, and realizing resource information sharing and cultural exchange. The international cooperation advocated by high-level opening-up is aimed at promoting mutual benefit and win-win results. It is bilateral and multilateral cooperation under more sound and reasonable international trade policies, laws and regulations. It aims to promote the formation of an open, diversified and stable world economic order and build an open, inclusive, interconnected and common development world.

Enhance the linkage effect of domestic and international economy

To comply with the trend of economic globalization, we must unswervingly promote high-level opening up, further enhance the linkage effect of domestic and international markets and two resources, strengthen institutional supply, expand space, improve quality, and increase power for economic development, and provide new opportunities for world development.

Promote domestic and international double circulation to promote each other. China's economy has been deeply integrated into the world economy, with a high degree of industrial linkage and integration development with many countries around the world. The domestic and foreign demand markets themselves are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. Only by continuing to promote a high level of opening up can we speed up the improvement of factors, resources, business environment and other weaknesses, promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of domestic industries and upgrade consumption, and make the domestic cycle more smooth. We should further promote the linkage between the domestic market and the international market, and between domestic demand and foreign demand, so as to realize the positive interaction between the domestic cycle and the international cycle. On the one hand, we should focus on expanding domestic demand and constantly optimize the demand structure. It not only cultivates and expands new consumption, vigorously develops digital consumption, green consumption, health consumption, and cultivates new consumption growth points, but also steadily expands traditional consumption, and boosts new energy vehicles, electronic products and other mass consumption. Give full play to the super large market advantage, introduce high-end production factors and scarce resources, make up for domestic production needs, promote technological progress, and improve total factor productivity. On the other hand, we should improve the quality and level of participation in the international cycle, speed up the cultivation of new foreign trade drivers, and consolidate the basic market of foreign trade and foreign investment. Expand intermediate trade, service trade, digital trade, cross-border e-commerce export, and continue to build the brand of "investment in China".

Provide high-level institutional supply. Compared with the commodity and factor flow opening, the institutional opening is a higher level of opening, and it is an inevitable trend for China to achieve a high level of opening up. To promote high-level opening up, we need to remove institutional barriers, promote in-depth reform, steadily expand institutional opening of rules, regulations, management, standards, and provide high-level institutional supply for high-quality development. On the one hand, take the initiative to connect with high standards of international economic and trade rules, promote the convergence of economic and trade rules and systems, and promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. On the other hand, we should give better play to the demonstration and leading role of pilot free trade zones and free trade ports, strengthen the function of institutional innovation, implement the upgrading strategy of pilot free trade zones, accelerate the formulation of opening standards in key trade and investment fields, and create a new highland of opening up with higher levels of openness, better business environment, and stronger radiation. In addition, we should actively participate in the formulation of international rules, promote the high-quality development of the "Belt and Road", constantly improve the international cooperation mechanism of the "Belt and Road", and promote the formation of a more just and reasonable international economic order.

Continue to deepen and expand international exchanges and cooperation. Actively participate in global governance, maintain the multilateral trading system, promote the process of accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, build an information exchange platform, improve China's participation, influence and voice in global economic governance, and promote economic globalization to be more open, inclusive, inclusive, balanced Win win development. Deeply participate in the division of labor and cooperation in the global industrial chain supply chain, actively integrate into the global innovation network, strengthen cooperation and exchange in goods, capital, technology, talents, and data, build the "Belt and Road" into an innovation road, and accelerate the formation of a globally competitive innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. We will support private enterprises to expand overseas markets and increase efforts to attract and utilize foreign capital. We will further promote bilateral and regional cooperation in digital trade, participate in the formulation of international rules for digital trade under the framework of the World Trade Organization, and give full play to the role of standardization in helping digital trade enterprises operate legally and in compliance, deal with unreasonable trade barriers, and expand international markets.

(Source: Economic Daily Author: Ren Rong, School of Management, Shandong University)

(Editor in charge: Zang Mengya)

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