Make every effort to promote the employment of college graduates

2024-05-16 06:58 Source: Nanfang Daily
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(Editor in charge: Deng Hao)

Make every effort to promote the employment of college graduates

06:58, May 16, 2024     Source: Nanfang Daily     Commentator of Nanfang Daily

On May 14, the national video conference on youth employment and entrepreneurship, including college graduates, was held in Beijing. The meeting stressed the need to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, give more prominence to the priority orientation of employment, do everything possible to promote the employment of college graduates, and ensure the overall stability of the youth employment situation.

College graduates are a valuable talent resource of the country. Their employment is related to the well-being of people's livelihood and the future of the country. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates and other young people, and has taken ensuring the overall stability of college graduates' employment as the top priority of employment stabilization. It has adopted a series of policies and measures to promote the overall stability of college graduates' employment. Guangdong is a big province of education, with a large number of colleges and universities and a large scale of graduates. In 2024, the number of graduates from ordinary colleges and universities in Guangdong is expected to reach 840000. With the influx of students from other provinces and the return of students to Guangdong to apply for jobs, the total employment is relatively large, and the employment situation is grim and complex. All relevant departments around the country should further improve their political position, accurately grasp the current situation faced by the employment of college graduates, innovate ideas and measures, improve the working mechanism, earnestly take the employment of college graduates as a political work, livelihood work, and strategic work, and support the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates with greater strength and from more aspects.

Economic development is the basis for expanding employment and the fundamental way to solve the employment problem. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "There is no certain growth that is not enough to support employment. To solve the employment problem, it is essential to rely on development to make the economic development cake bigger and the employment cake bigger." This requires all departments around the country to strengthen the priority orientation of employment in promoting high-quality development and improve the employment driving force of economic growth. On the one hand, the development of the new economy has not only driven industrial transformation and spatial transformation, but also promoted employment stability and employment transformation. It is necessary to better coordinate the development of traditional industries, competitive industries, emerging industries and future industries, promote the steady growth of industrial economy, and provide more employment options for college graduates. On the other hand, small and medium-sized enterprises are the main force and important "reservoir" for attracting employment. It is necessary to further improve the institutional environment and policy system for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, build a regular mechanism for helping enterprises stabilize their posts, eliminate all kinds of unreasonable restrictions and barriers, and enhance the ability to create jobs.

The effective expansion of post resources and the accurate docking of supply and demand are the basis for the employment of college graduates. At present, it is a critical stage for college graduates to find employment. We should continue to tap the potential to broaden the employment channels for college graduates, stabilize the existing jobs, expand the incremental scale, and help graduates find employment as soon as possible. To be specific, enterprises are the main channel for graduates to obtain employment. We should make greater efforts to develop market-oriented jobs, make full use of the policy of stabilizing jobs to promote employment, and develop more jobs in combination with major projects, major projects, and major measures to expand domestic demand. Public sector posts provide important support for graduates' employment. It is necessary to stabilize and speed up the recruitment of policy posts, expand the scale as much as possible, and start as early as possible, so as to better play the role of policy posts. Grass roots is a broad stage for graduates to make contributions. We should organize and implement grass-roots service projects, and develop more grass-roots jobs in rural revitalization, social work, service for the elderly, emergency management, etc. Graduates are the new force of innovation and entrepreneurship. We should support graduates and other groups to start businesses, implement guaranteed loans and discount interest policies for entrepreneurship as required, simplify guarantee procedures, and exempt qualified implementation from counter guarantee requirements.

Strengthening employment guidance services is an important starting point for the education system to do a good job in the employment of graduates, which helps graduates to clarify their career intentions, prepare for employment early, and enhance their employment competitiveness. We should continue to carry out education on employment concepts, guide graduates to maintain a down-to-earth attitude, treat personal conditions and social needs objectively, establish a correct outlook on career selection and employment, and choose occupations and jobs from reality. We should optimize employment and entrepreneurship services, improve employment practice and probation systems, promote graduates to integrate into the ecological chain of production, teaching and evaluation skills, and help entrepreneurial students solve problems such as lack of funds, space, and experience. We should strengthen the bottom line of employment for graduates from poverty alleviation families, low-income families, zero employment families, disabled and other disadvantaged groups, improve the targeted assistance mechanism, focus on improving employability, and continue to provide "warm" and "continuous" employment care and assistance. We should crack down on illegal and criminal activities involving employment in accordance with the law and regulations, strengthen the supervision of recruitment behavior, improve the awareness of graduates' rights protection, create a fair employment environment, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of graduates.

Employment is the largest livelihood project, popular support project and foundation project, and an important guarantee for social stability. We must pay close attention to it. The whole Guangdong province should have a deep understanding of the great significance of doing a good job in the employment of college graduates and other young people, adhere to the simultaneous development of market leadership and government guidance, equal emphasis on policy support and service guarantee, parallel universal service and key assistance, and spare no effort to expand jobs, improve skills, improve services, and cover the bottom line, so as to maximize the high-quality and full employment of college graduates and other young groups, To lay a solid foundation for stabilizing the employment situation in the province.

(Editor in charge: Deng Hao)

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