Improving residents' sense of gain starts from design

2024-05-16 06:55 Source: Shenzhen Special Zone News
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(Editor in charge: Deng Hao)

Improving residents' sense of gain starts from design

06:55, May 16, 2024     Source: Shenzhen Special Zone News     Yin Chuangang

The 2024 version of Shenzhen Architectural Design Rules will be officially released in the near future. The new revisions include reducing the shared area of residential buildings, increasing the ancillary facilities of community sports venues, and optimizing the calculation method of green coverage.

The rules are iron rules and hard leverage. On the one hand, the 2024 version of the Rules will help improve the quality of buildings and the level of urban planning and construction; On the other hand, the intention to enhance residents' sense of gain can be seen everywhere in the revision of the 2024 Rules. It can be safely said that the sense of gain is reflected between the lines of the document.

One sense of gain comes from the reduction of the shared area of residential buildings. In most people's opinion, the less the shared area, the better. In the 2024 version of the Rules, public areas such as refuge floors and machine rooms that were previously included in the shared area were listed as "area without capacity". This means that in Shenzhen, the shared area of housing is bound to decrease, and the housing acquisition rate of citizens will effectively increase. Needless to say, for a long time, in the minds of most owners, the shared area is a muddle headed account with unclear ways. Relevant departments should take this opportunity to strengthen supervision, so that developers on the ground in Shenzhen dare not take advantage of information asymmetry to deceive and deceive owners in calculating the shared area.

Architectural design must return to the scale of people, emphasize the existence and needs of people, and pay attention to the experience of citizens in urban space. This is also reflected in the provisions of this revision. For example, the requirements for increased space such as urban public passageways, overhead greening/leisure have been optimized, and the increased functions such as fall prevention facilities have been added; The calculation methods of green coverage rate and building coverage rate are optimized. All these adjustments are aimed at making our city healthier, safer and more livable. At the same time, the 2024 version of the Rules also adjusted the floor height control requirements of factory buildings, warehouses and logistics buildings, focusing on the integration of stations and cities and the composite development of ground and underground. This clearly reflects the intention of promoting sustainable development of economy, society and environment.

The architectural design rule is a "connective word", which not only relates to the living quality, but also affects the housing cost, and also relates to urban planning. The 2024 version of the Rules reflects Shenzhen's efforts to firmly grasp the basic point of enabling citizens to live in peace, and actively explore "from good houses to good neighborhoods, and from good communities to good urban areas" in terms of space scale and full life cycle design management, which is conducive to creating a livable and business friendly urban environment.

Both comfortable living and happy working are people's livelihood. The 2024 version of the Rules focuses on creating high-quality production, living and ecological spaces, responds to many needs of citizens and increases people's well-being. The implementation can make the city more attractive and attractive.

(Editor in charge: Deng Hao)

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