Zhao Long: unswervingly practice the concept of big food and build a diversified food supply system with distinctive characteristics

2024-05-16 06:50 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Zang Mengya)
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Zhao Long: unswervingly practice the concept of big food and build a diversified food supply system with distinctive characteristics

06:50, May 16, 2024     Source: Economic Daily    

People are the foundation of the country, and food is the top priority of the people. China is a large country with a population of more than 1.4 billion. Solving the problem of eating well has always been the top priority of our party in governing the country. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping, standing at the strategic height of the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and ensuring national food security, from the perspective of better meeting the needs of the people for a better life, emphasized the establishment of the concept of big food, and deeply discussed the scientific connotation and practical requirements of the concept of big food, which pointed out the direction of progress for us to grasp the law of modern agricultural development and ensure national food security Provides fundamental compliance.

Deeply comprehend the concept of big food and take the lead in exploration and practice

Fujian has "eight mountains, one water and one farmland". With more people and less land, less arable land resources and low food self-sufficiency rate, it has rich marine resources and forest resources. Since ancient times, it has a tradition of plowing through the mountains and the sea. It has the spirit of love to fight and win, and strive for perfection. It has a good foundation and conditions for the development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery.

During his work in Fujian, General Secretary Xi Jinping took the lead in proposing, vigorously advocating and personally implementing the concept of "big food", creating valuable ideological wealth, spiritual wealth and practical achievements for us. In terms of ideology, he stressed that grain was only narrowly understood as rice, wheat, corn and other gramineous crops in the past. Now, grain is food, and the concept of large grain has replaced the old concept of taking grain as the key link; The forest is a reservoir, a treasury and a grain depot; We should live by the mountains and sing folk songs. We should live by the sea and read the sea's classics. We should work together to develop agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sidelines and fishery in an all-round way; "Maritime Fuzhou" and "Maritime Fujian" should be built. In the target direction, he stressed that we should increase the total amount of food through multiple channels, increase the supply of agricultural products, vigorously develop the production of fruits, aquatic products, livestock products, edible fungi and vegetables, and meet the needs of urban and rural residents for food nutrition; Big agriculture is a three-dimensional agriculture developing towards multi-function, open and comprehensive direction, which is different from the traditional, single and flat small agriculture mainly focused on farmland management. In terms of methods and paths, he stressed that agriculture should be taken as a systematic project to bring the overall benefits into play; We should adjust measures to local conditions, highlight characteristics, and cultivate our own pillar industries; We should seriously take the path of green agriculture and ecological agriculture; We should work hard on "two high and one excellent" to promote new technologies, fine varieties and high-quality products. General Secretary Xi Jinping also personally cared about and guided the development of "local specialties" such as Ningde large yellow croaker and Gutian edible fungi, promoted the establishment of "vegetable basket" bases in the suburbs, summarized and promoted the "special mission of science and technology" system, and took the lead in "table pollution" control in the country.

This series of important concepts and practices are highly consistent with the important statements of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the concept of "big food" since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in terms of the goal and connotation, and in terms of the practical requirements, which provide scientific guidance and lay a solid foundation for Fujian to plan the overall layout of mountain and sea agriculture regions and widely develop food resources. We will deeply appreciate the vivid exploration and practice of the big food concept during General Secretary Xi Jinping's work in Fujian, have a mind of "being the biggest country", consciously and profoundly understand the significance of the big food concept from a strategic and overall perspective, effectively enhance the ideological consciousness, political consciousness, and action consciousness of practicing the big food concept, and firmly support the "two establishment" with practical actions and results Firmly implement "two maintenance".

Construct diversified food supply system according to local conditions

Over the years, Fujian has always kept in mind the instructions, worked hard with gratitude, firmly established the concept of big agriculture and big food, insisted on adjusting measures to local conditions, insisted on market orientation, insisted on scientific and technological innovation, insisted on policy guidance, accelerated the construction of modern agriculture with characteristics, and promoted the rapid development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery. As a result, people's dining tables have become richer and farmers' pockets have become larger. In 2023, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in the province will be 572.9 billion yuan, and the per capita disposable income of rural residents will be 26722 yuan.

Read the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" and develop food resources in an all-round way. Adhere to the principle of storing grain on the ground, strictly implement the responsibility system for farmland protection and food security, promote "1+N" grain economy rotation, and achieve the "three growth" of grain sown area, yield, and unit yield in the province for many consecutive years. Excavate the forest grain depot, adhere to the comprehensive development and three-dimensional development model of "wearing hats on the mountain and developing at the foot of the mountain", and accelerate the development of the under forest economy. The under forest economic output value of the province has reached 83 billion yuan, and the output of bamboo shoots has reached 1.4 million tons, ranking first in the country. To build a "marine granary", we should attach importance to the sea area as much as we attach importance to arable land, and focus on marine development as we attach importance to grain production. The per capita share of aquatic products has exceeded 200 kg, ranking first in the country. The output of large yellow croaker, abalone, kelp, oyster and other varieties of aquaculture has ranked first in the country. Develop facility agriculture, explore the construction of facility greenhouses on non arable land, and the area of facility agriculture is more than 2.4 million mu. The scale rate of pig, broiler, layer and other major livestock and poultry breeds is among the top in the country.

Play the "characteristic card" well and improve the industrial level in all factors and dimensions. Cultivate characteristic advantageous industries, adjust and optimize agricultural structure based on resource endowment, and the total output value of the whole industrial chain of ten rural characteristic industries, such as tea, fruit and vegetables, has reached 2.3 trillion yuan. The cultivated varieties of edible fungi are the most in China, and the output of 9 varieties ranks first in China; The output of citrus, olive, longan and other fruits ranks first in China; It is one of the bases of "transporting vegetables from the south to the north" and one of the major vegetable export provinces in China. Strengthen scientific and technological innovation, focus on the development of modern agriculture, strengthen key agricultural core technology tackling, keep the area and output of hybrid rice seed production at the first place in China, successfully overcome the problem of artificial incubation and breeding of large yellow croaker, and break the monopoly of foreign provenance of "Shengze 901" white feather broilers; Vigorously develop smart agriculture, make breakthroughs in digital agriculture applications such as agricultural Internet of Things, and build a number of smart pastures, smart tea gardens, smart greenhouses, and smart mushroom houses. Efforts were made to create "good products for farmers", and more than 3000 special geographical indications were approved to be used, ranking first in China. 30 products, including Anxi Tieguanyin, Pinghe pomelo, were included in the protection project of agricultural products with geographical indications.

We will focus on "production, supply and marketing", and ensure high-quality supply through diversification of the whole chain. At the front end, we focus on green ecology, pay attention to the organic unity of ecological benefits and economic benefits, develop and produce marketable high-quality agricultural products. There are 2038 green organic agricultural products in the province. The middle end focuses on storage, transportation and processing, develops primary processing, deep processing and cold chain logistics of agricultural products in the origin, and has built 1278 primary processing centers in the origin. The back-end focuses on trade sales, and implements the "Internet+" agricultural products out of the village and into the city project. In 2023, the online retail sales of agricultural products will be 38.35 billion yuan, an increase of 18.9% over the previous year, and the total export will be 11.34 billion dollars, ranking first in the country for 14 consecutive years. Focus on food safety at the end, continue to carry out "table pollution" control, build "food confidence project", take the lead in building a "one product one code" whole process traceability system, and keep the qualification rate of major agricultural products above 98%.

Practice has fully proved that General Secretary Xi Jinping's creative proposal of the concept of "big food" is conducive to maintaining national food security, improving people's quality of life, increasing farmers' income, and promoting common prosperity. It is a great good thing that benefits the country and the people and gets more with one move. It has important practical and far-reaching historical significance for promoting the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

New era, new journey, in-depth practice of the concept of big food

Practise the concept of big food, and manage "satiety", but also "good". We will thoroughly implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on national food security, vigorously carry forward the important ideas and practices created by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his work in Fujian, actively practice the concept of "big food", and continue to promote agricultural production from cultivated land resources to mountains, forests, oceans and other land resources, so as to ensure national food security Improve the people's quality of life and contribute more to Fujian.

Strengthen scientific and technological innovation. We will promote the revitalization of the modern seed industry, give full play to the advantages of the agricultural biological germplasm resource bank and the Sanming rice seed base, and actively carry out the breeding of agricultural superior varieties. We will deepen the system of special commissioners for science and technology, vigorously promote good varieties, good laws, good opportunities, and good farmland, and comprehensively improve farmers' and agricultural scientific and technological capabilities. Strengthen digital empowerment, vigorously develop smart agriculture, and cultivate new agricultural productivity.

Strengthen industrial agglomeration. Deeply implement the "3212" project of high-quality development of characteristic modern agriculture, promote the construction of 30 key modern agricultural industrial parks, 20 key advantageous characteristic industrial clusters, 100 strong agricultural towns and 2000 "one village, one product" demonstration villages, promote the integration of the first, second and third industries, and improve the level of industrial standardization and agglomeration. We will strengthen policy guidance, increase support for finance, finance, science and technology, talent, land, and services, and promote more "small varieties" to become "big industries" that increase income.

Strengthen green transformation. To practice the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, we should actively explore an effective path for the transformation of "two mountains", further promote the mode of land saving, water saving, fertilizer saving, drug saving, energy saving and ecological cycle, and firmly guard green water and green mountains while promoting green agricultural development.

Strengthen food safety. Adhere to the principle of promoting agriculture through quality, and promote the transformation of agriculture from production increase oriented to quality improvement oriented, so that food can be produced, supplied, sold and assured. Adhere to strict supervision, strengthen the whole process and chain food supervision from the field to the people's table, adhere to taking the control of table pollution as a practical project for the people of Party committees and governments at all levels every year, implement the "four most stringent" important requirements, and spare no effort to protect the "tip of the tongue safety" of the people.

(Source: Economic Daily Author: Zhao Long, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and Governor of Fujian Province)

(Editor in charge: Zang Mengya)