Charging according to the "landing rate", such job guidance is pure deception

2024-05-16 06:44 Source: Guangming
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(Editor in charge: Deng Hao)

Charging according to the "landing rate", such job guidance is pure deception

06:44, May 16, 2024     Source: Guangming     Wang Zhong's

In order to help her daughter find a job in a state-owned enterprise, Ms. Cheng from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province has transferred nearly 40000 yuan to Beijing Cainiao Wuyou Education Technology Co., Ltd. since the end of 2023. The sales staff of the company claimed that "the landing rate of more than 10000 yuan is 93%, and the landing rate of more than 30000 yuan is 98%". In fact, after Ms. Cheng paid the fees, not only did the children have no way to work, but also there was no way to recover the fees paid. In the face of doubt, the relevant person in charge of the company said: "Individual sales said slightly exaggerated words in order to sign the bill".

Faced with the uncertainty of the job market, state-owned enterprises with a higher degree of "landing" stability have become a priority for many graduates to seek jobs. This also means that state-owned enterprises, especially central enterprises, have more fierce job competition and more brutal elimination. When recruiting for popular positions in some state-owned enterprises, I'm afraid that the elimination rate is more than 90%, while "rookie worry free" claims that after their guidance, the "landing rate" is more than 90%, which is obviously against common sense.

To improve the probability of candidates finding ideal jobs in a short period of time, one possibility is that the organization is indeed unique, which can significantly improve the scores of candidates in the written recruitment examination and interview; Another possibility is that the institution has an unknown "way" to "recommend" job seekers through internal recommendation and other ways.

Under the close attention of the society, the recruitment of state-owned enterprises generally follows the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness. Graduates who want to successfully pass the recruitment of state-owned enterprises usually have to go through multiple rounds of written tests and interviews. The proposed employment list should also be publicized to the society, so as to prevent the occurrence of unfair phenomena such as recruitment fraud as far as possible. Therefore, some salesmen in job counseling institutions often suggest that they have "relationships", which is actually to use the eager mentality of parents and graduates to cheat.

According to the information provided by the report, the relevant institutions do not have any "unique secrets". The interviewed parents said that the service teacher of "Novice Worry Free" sent many enterprise test questions and links to deliver resumes for the reason of letting children learn. The children did not get results after they delivered a large number of resumes instructed by the other party. Many central enterprises have repeatedly stated during recruitment that "the recruitment official website is the only official channel, which does not authorize other institutions to release recruitment information, nor organize any coaching and training". Moreover, employers will make a comprehensive judgment based on such factors as applicants' education background, school performance, personal character, and job matching when conducting campus recruitment. In other words, the competitiveness of applicants is difficult to improve rapidly in a short period of time, and the significance of job search agencies in this regard is ultimately limited.

Objectively speaking, from the campus to the workplace, graduates are really easy to fall into confusion when they apply for jobs, but also face many information differences. The services provided by the job search guidance agency can help some job seekers to change their identity and roles and better enter the job search state. However, taking advantage of the anxiety of parents and graduates, making various unrealistic promises at will, or even luring parents to pay by using deceptive words, is obviously against business ethics, and even touches the legal bottom line.

In this regard, the relevant departments should strengthen the regulation of job search guidance agencies, investigate and deal with false propaganda, exorbitant pricing and other illegal acts, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of parents and students. At the same time, students and parents should also be aware that job hunting is not a matter of "temporary cramming", let alone the fluke mentality of taking the wrong way. Otherwise, it may not only spend money unjustly, but also delay the job search process and suffer the consequences of "loss of both people and money".

Of course, the responsibility of colleges and universities cannot be lost. Only by strengthening employment services and providing more public welfare and practical job guidance for graduates can we eliminate the information gap between job seekers and the actual employment. Graduates themselves may wish to think clearly, make a pragmatic career planning and consciously cultivate their competitiveness in job search, so as to help them find their ideal jobs and move towards a brighter future. (Wang Zhong's)

(Editor in charge: Deng Hao)

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