New government media should continue to "keep fit" after "downsizing"

2024-05-15 13:43 Source: China Economic Network
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

New government media should continue to "keep fit" after "downsizing"

13:43, May 15, 2024     Source: China Economic Network    

   News background:

Recently, a number of grassroots government new media accounts in many places announced to stop updating and start the cancellation process, and transferred relevant information, publicity, announcements and other content to the local government website. Many netizens expressed their support and thought that this was a good way to deal with "finger tip formalism".

   Too many and too many government accounts increase the burden of fingertips

In recent years, the Internet has developed rapidly, and a large number of new government media have emerged. With the rapid expansion of the stalls, the disadvantages are gradually highlighted. For example, some accounts are reduced to "zombie accounts", and information release is backward and rigid; Some apps are built repeatedly, and it is clear that the existing government software can cover relevant services, but they have to "start afresh", resulting in "rotten tail".

Of course, new government media can be used, but too much and too much will go to the other extreme. For the masses, there are "official accounts" everywhere, but it is difficult to find an effective service interface. For grass-roots cadres, their time and energy are limited. Whether it is daily operation and maintenance management or use in coordination with assessment, an additional government number will increase their workload. detailed

   Only by removing the turnip and reserving the essence can we better serve the masses

Technically, it is easy to clean up, and it is not difficult to merge, but it is difficult to upgrade services and change work ideas. In the end, tools are for people. Nowadays, all regions are promoting "One Network Access" and optimizing "one-stop" services. Its core is to break down information barriers, simplify complexity, and do subtraction and optimize services from the perspective of "people". detailed

Only by removing the turnip and reserving the essence can we serve the masses better. However, clearing some accounts does not mean "closing them". According to certain standards, we should keep accounts that involve important people's livelihood and important services, and transfer the information and service functions carried by the closed accounts to a unified integrated platform, so that we can not only reduce the burden of grassroots cadres, but also better play the role of new government media in connecting with and serving the masses. detailed Fine]

   Doing good deeds is the most beautiful political achievement

To keep the new media of grassroots government affairs away from formalism, the key is to grasp the word "reality". To open a new account, we must start from the actual needs. On the one hand, it is necessary to consider whether the existing platform can achieve the same effect, "if unnecessary, do not add entities". On the other hand, after opening an account, it is necessary to regularly evaluate the actual effect, learn from accounts with high public recognition, constantly optimize services, improve operational efficiency, and use limited resources to do good things. detailed

To some extent, today's new government media has gone through the expansion period of "people have what I have" and entered the "2.0 stage" of "last elimination". In the new round of track, it is no longer necessary to "ignite every village and smoke every household". Instead, we must focus on optimizing and strengthening the main account, and build a new government media matrix with overall linkage and collective voice. Spend more time on training and management of professional operators, invest more resources to research and judge emerging technologies, and update and iterate accordingly, so that the "key to key" digital empowerment can continuously enhance the "face-to-face" relationship between cadres and masses, which is the most beautiful political achievement. detailed

   (The above comprehensive People's Daily, Beijing Daily, Guangzhou Daily)

   V perspective:

@Uncle Cha: Whether the government new media account is opened or closed depends on whether it is useful.

@No idea girl: the masses are too lazy to watch, and "Xiao Bian" is tired, so there is no need to keep the government number that is half dead.

@Mu Hai Yufeng: We should stay away from formalism and free grass-roots cadres from the complicated work of operating and maintaining new media accounts.

@Tao Kan: Seeking truth from facts is very good.

   Editor's Note:

Government affairs are connected to the Internet in order to be closer to the people and better ask the government for the people. Those sleeping, repetitive and self talking government affairs numbers obviously deviate from the original intention. Not only did they not play the role of facilitating enterprises and benefiting the people, but they became an additional burden. For such government accounts, those that should be shut down should be shut down, which can also be regarded as timely stop loss. However, after the "downsizing" of the government affairs account, it will continue to "keep fit", "add" in quality, integrate and optimize resources in place, and serve the people carefully and realistically, so as to truly follow the online mass line.

   Review: Previous reviews of "classics"

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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