Cut off the cheating industry chain of "motorcycle license crash class"

2024-05-14 14:35 Source: China Economic Network
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(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

Cut off the cheating industry chain of "motorcycle license crash class"

14:35, May 14, 2024     Source: China Economic Network    

   News background:

"One day fast track" and "four science and technology insurance"...... Recently, a media exposed the cheating industry chain of "motorcycle license fast track class", which attracted wide attention.

   The industry chain of cheating is very mature

With the growth of the demand for motorcycles in China, the "hot" of motorcycle license examination has sprung up. However, some training institutions in driving schools have taken advantage of the policy of "national comprehensive examination" for motorcycle driving license to introduce "non local group" cross provincial examination. However, their training focuses on dealing with examinations, and some written examinations can even cheat. detailed

From the details of the bus arranged by the training institutions of driving schools in other places to pick up and send students to Beijing, it is obvious that this underground market is not suddenly formed, but has developed very "mature". In fact, this is not the first time that the media has paid attention to this phenomenon. In 2022, a media once published the phenomenon of "low threshold" motorcycle driving test. detailed

   To form a consensus on strict governance

It should be noted that those drivers who "pay for a license" may not even know the traffic signs and markings, let alone their ability to cope with emergencies. Once these people are on the road, they are undoubtedly a "time bomb", which may cause traffic accidents at any time, bring irreparable losses to the society, and directly endanger the safety of public life. detailed

Two years later, the media reported again, indicating that under the background of the national "One Certificate Examination", if the consensus of strict governance could not be formed, the work in urban governance would be ignored. For example, even if Beijing is strict, as long as there are governance loopholes in surrounding cities and "crash courses" can be held, people can still be transported to other places by bus for training. detailed

   The crash course must be severely punished

In fact, if the local regulatory authorities strictly check, these tricks will soon be exposed. For example, in these places named by the media, you can check how many teachers are in the driving school, how many students are in the local area, and how many driver licenses have been issued in the test over a period of time. Through data analysis, spot checks, unannounced visits, and other forms, it is easy to find out what is fishy. detailed

The "non local group" has been packaged with "magic medicine", but in the final analysis, the supervision is ineffective. Since some people cheat in exams, we should find out the cheaters and the shield together. All localities should follow this clue and check these driving training institutions carefully. At the same time, they should look inward and correct themselves. Don't let themselves become the place that such "field groups" aspire to. detailed

(The above comprehensive Guangming, Guangzhou Daily, Yangcheng Evening News)

   V perspective:

@Quiet: These people ride motorcycles on the road. It's too scary.

@Incomplete: It is immoral to push untrained drivers onto the road to "try and make mistakes".

@Bowl: to plug the loophole of "research in different places".

@Love to eat ice cream: Cheating in motorcycle driving test must be severely punished according to law.

@Scallion with vinegar: It is better to take a little slower to obtain the certificate than to cheat illegally.

   Editor's Note:

Driver training schools should train qualified drivers rather than teach them to take chances. Of course, the reason why students can achieve "one day certificate" cannot be achieved only by the driving school itself. All the "unclear" interest relationships in this industry chain should be verified one by one and the parties concerned should be punished according to law. The fewer "road killers", the better. Follow the clues of media exposure, the relevant departments should act quickly!

   Review: Previous reviews of "classics"  

(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

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