Self destruct image! McDonald's is stuck in the "expired door" again

2024-05-14 10:16 Source: Eastnet
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

Self destruct image! McDonald's is stuck in the "expired door" again

10:16, May 14, 2024     Source: Eastnet     Miao Ruixiang

McDonald's, an internationally renowned fast food brand, has always won the trust of consumers with its standardized products, fast service and business philosophy of "quality, service, cleanliness and value for money". However, a recent undercover investigation by the Beijing News revealed a shocking truth: in some McDonald's stores, expired ingredients have been replaced with labels to "renew their lives", the quality of frying oil has exceeded the standard, and jerry building has emerged in endlessly. This is not only a wanton violation of consumer rights, but also a self destruction of McDonald's own brand image.

Food safety is the lifeline of the catering industry, and any neglect of food safety is a great irresponsibility to consumers. As a world-famous chain brand, McDonald's should set an example and strictly abide by food safety regulations to ensure that every customer can feel safe and respected while enjoying food. It can be seen from the report that the root of the problem lies in the negligence and myopia of the store management. In order to pursue the so-called "good data" and reduce the waste of food materials, they acquiesced or even connived at employees' tampering with food shelf life labels, using expired food materials and other violations. In violation of laws and regulations, cooking without conscience also deviates from McDonald's own business philosophy. What is the meaning of such "saving" and "efficiency"? When consumers choose to eat because they trust McDonald's, they eat expired or even spoiled food. How strong is the feeling of trust betrayed!

What is more disappointing is that, in the face of the questions and reminders of employees, the management of some stores not only did not correct them, but used various excuses to prevaricate and perfunctory. This attitude towards problems is undoubtedly digging its own grave. The value of a brand lies not only in its popularity and market share, but also in its reputation and reputation.

We call on McDonald's headquarters and senior managers to face up to these problems and take effective measures to rectify them. First, we should strengthen the daily supervision and surprise inspection of stores to ensure that every food safety measure is implemented; Secondly, we should strengthen the training and education of employees to improve their food safety awareness and legal awareness; Finally, the illegal stores and employees should be severely punished to make an example.

Of course, consumers should remain vigilant and not be confused by the brand reputation. When choosing catering brands, we should pay more attention to the quality and safety of food, rather than just the brand popularity and advertising effect. Only when every consumer acts and votes with their own choice can the entire catering industry pay more attention to food safety and quality. The "expired door" incident of McDonald's is an alarm bell, reminding us that neither brands nor consumers can take food safety issues lightly. The brand should always remember its social responsibility and mission and stick to the bottom line of food safety; However, consumers should make wise choices to jointly maintain a safe and healthy dining environment.

As an internationally renowned enterprise, McDonald's should shoulder its due social responsibility, strictly abide by food safety regulations, and ensure that every food provided to consumers is safe and healthy. It is hoped that McDonald's can deeply reflect on this event, truly achieve the business philosophy of "quality, service, cleanliness and value for money", and provide consumers with a safe and secure dining environment.

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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