How to "Save" Students by Changing Grades

2024-05-14 07:37 Source: Nanfang Daily
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

How to "Save" Students by Changing Grades

07:37, May 14, 2024     Source: Nanfang Daily     Merda

Recently, Xi'an University of Science and Technology was exposed that the results were revised according to "noisy", which triggered heated public opinion. According to the teachers, their daily teaching and marking were reasonable and compliant, but they were pressured by students, schools and parents to revise their students' scores. The staff who finally operated the grade change replied that the grade change was to "save" the students and did not want to affect their continued study.

It is said in the Disciple Rules that "If you can change too much, you will lose nothing. If you hide it, you will gain one more." To change points for the future of students is like drinking poison to quench thirst and concealing the bell. It is not to "save" students, but to harm them. Temporary achievements can be changed, missing knowledge is difficult to fill, and dependent habits and casual attitudes cannot be changed. In the event, it is suspected that the parents used the "background" to exert pressure, and the school tried to appease people. If it is verified, it is unfair to other students. "Fail the exam" is a fact, no amount of concealment can help.

"Those who respect big buildings are not the only wood; those who correct bad customs are not the skills of a day." In the final analysis, the reason for failing the exam is still to find out from the examinee himself - whether he or she listens carefully at ordinary times? Can the tasks assigned by the teacher be completed? Did you review carefully before the exam? What deserves our attention is on the other hand, that is, the attitude and expectations of examinees. Since the course is set in the graduation grade, students should know the consequences of "failing the exam". However, according to the teacher, one of the students' test scores was too far from the qualification line, but he still strongly threatened to "change the score". The other student failed to pass the make-up examination, and his attitude towards learning was diffuse. To put it bluntly, they are not responsible for their own future. Why should they ask teachers to change their grades?

It is quite interesting that the teacher has become a "weak" and "alternative" party, and has been reported maliciously, or even deprived of the qualification to write a make-up exam without changing his grades; However, if the students fail to pass the exam, they can be aggressive, using the excuse of "going to graduate school" or "committing suicide". Looking at the experience shared by netizens, this situation is by no means unique - those who are not far from the passing line are usually given "a handful"; Those who did not learn "fishing can not move" completely, "thoroughly understand the question" before make-up examination; Even if "immortals can't be saved", sending an email to beg or crying at the door can persuade teachers to "improve their grades". Teachers "don't embarrass students", but some people think "take it for granted". As time goes by, what they destroy is the seriousness and fairness of the academic, and what they sacrifice is the overall quality of college teaching.

In recent years, there have been frequent criticisms of undergraduates' "water courses" and "muddling along", and there is a high voice to improve the teaching quality of undergraduates. In 2019, the Ministry of Education issued the Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Undergraduate Education and Teaching and Improving the Quality of Talent Cultivation in an All round Way, which mentioned that the examination and graduation export should be strictly controlled, the examination management should be strengthened, and the "clean examination" behavior such as make-up examination before graduation should be resolutely canceled. The original intention of canceling the "graduation examination" is to urge students to work hard at ordinary times, but in some cases it has the opposite effect - without the "bottom line", students with graduation difficulties have become "hot potato" in the eyes of teachers and schools, so the phenomenon of "profiting" and "grading" is especially serious.

This is not really "responsible for students", but under multiple pressures, schools and teachers "can't take responsibility". At present, the university concerned has issued a notice saying that "comprehensive investigation, no appeasement", but to fundamentally reverse this kind of "muddle through", both teachers need to stick to it and the school needs to make efforts, but also need to improve and strictly implement the assessment and retirement system for unqualified students, resolve the dilemma between teachers' maintaining academic principles and coping with real pressure, and force students to be responsible for themselves.

"Salvaging people" does not mean "saving people", and "future" is not a "smooth road". If I regard my future as nothing, I am afraid that even if the school, teachers and parents all end up together, I will not be able to get rid of the heart of muddling along.


(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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