The 14-year-old boy helped his mother sweep the street, and this warm filial piety should be praised

2024-05-14 07:09 Source: Rednet
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

The 14-year-old boy helped his mother sweep the street, and this warm filial piety should be praised

07:09, May 14, 2024     Source: Rednet     You Defu

Recently, a short video became popular on the Internet: in Changde, Hunan, a 14-year-old boy helped his mother clean the streets. The boy said: "It's not shameful to help her do things, because labor is the most glorious, it's shameful not to do things.". Netizens' hot comments: filial piety looks really handsome. (May 12, surging news)

May 12 is Mother's Day. The 14-year-old boy helped the mother of the sanitation worker to clean the street, which can be said to be the most desirable gift for mothers from children on Mother's Day. As parents, the greatest comfort is that children are sensible and promising. Parents in the world, who doesn't want their children to be successful? The so-called Jackie Chan and Jackie Chan also came into being gradually in small links bit by bit. More importantly, the experience of life often starts from cultivating a sense of responsibility and filial piety. If you don't even bother to do small things or can't do them well, there is no way to talk about the so-called big things. It tells us that every member of society should start from himself, focus on the big things and start from the small things, and work hard to achieve great things.

Filial piety is an important gene of Han culture. Every Chinese descendant's blood contains filial piety. In ancient times, filial piety, after thousands of years of evolution, is now more about filial piety. It is reasonable to say that there is no qualitative difference between filial piety and filial piety, there is nothing wrong with it, and it should be vigorously promoted. "Xiang Jiuling can warm the seat, be filial to his parents, and should be held!" This is a sentence in the Three Character Classic. It says that Huang Xiang, a native of the Eastern Han Dynasty, knew to honor his father and warm the bed for his father when he was nine years old. This should be practiced and emulated by everyone who is filial to their parents. The 14-year-old boy who is "not afraid of disgrace" helped the sanitation worker mother clean the street, in a sense, sublimated the spirit of "Xiang Jiuling".

Throughout the ages, filial piety has always moved and educated people. Whether it's lying on ice to beg for carp, selling one's body to bury one's father, or the modern shirt to honor one's mother, or Yuangu to admonish one's father, we are always deeply touched. Filial piety is a process, a search for and reverence for roots, and a thanksgiving and feedback for love. Filial piety is a desire, a fleeting happiness, and a full stop to make the life of those who love complete. We will make filial piety a habit as long as we are conscientious, conscientious and careful, and will promote "filial piety" to the atmosphere of "respecting the old and respecting the old", eventually reaching the realm of loving the world.

The 14-year-old boy helped his mother sweep the street. This warm filial piety should be praised. "Don't stop doing good things because they are small, and don't stop doing evil things because they are small." This sentence was said by Liu Bei when he was dying in the Three Kingdoms Period. It is intended to teach Liu Chan not to despise small things, not to stop doing because good things have little impact, and not to do because bad things have little impact. This sentence still has guiding significance for our self-cultivation. "No small steps can lead to thousands of miles; no small streams can lead to rivers and seas." Without the accumulation of doing "small things", it is impossible to develop the mind of doing "big things". Since ancient times, all ambitious people have been good at doing "small things". In other words, if "small things" are not done well, "big things" are easy to happen. Being good at doing small things is not only a matter of way of doing things and attitudes, but also a necessary way for aspiring people and an indispensable experience for achieving "big things".

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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