The online taxi driver needs to carry passengers to the 20th floor? The upgrading of platform services should not ignore the rights and interests of drivers

2024-05-11 07:25 Source: Rednet
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(Editor in charge: Deng Hao)

The online taxi driver needs to carry passengers to the 20th floor? The upgrading of platform services should not ignore the rights and interests of drivers

07:25, May 11, 2024     Source: Rednet     Zhou Yifei

Recently, a conversation between an online taxi driver and the platform customer service has attracted attention online. The online taxi driver asked the customer service several times: If the destination of the passenger's order is the 20th floor, should I carry the passenger to the 20th floor. It is understandable that the online car hailing platform wants to provide better services for passengers, but it cannot harm the interests of drivers. The absurd requirement of the platform for the driver to take passengers to any destination for ordering reflects the trampling on value rationality. (May 10, Guangming)

The destination for passengers to place orders is the 20th floor. It is absurd to ask the driver to carry passengers to the 20th floor. The driver's function is to take passengers to the destination, but the destination cannot be arbitrary, at least it should be the place where the vehicle can reach. As netizens teased, if the destination is written as Taishan when using the online car hailing platform, does the driver still need to carry passengers up the mountain? Such a request is obviously unreasonable.

Although the online car hailing platform customer service appeared in the event, to some extent, the attitude of the customer service representative was also the attitude of the platform. The reason why the online car hailing platform can make such unreasonable requirements reflects the lack of value rationality of the platform. In the eyes of the platform, drivers seem to be the machines that make money for the platform rather than living people. Their interests are ignored. It is understandable that the platform seeks to maximize the interests, but drivers are also people rather than tools, and the interests of drivers should also be protected.

Perhaps the purpose of the platform is to provide better services for passengers, but benefiting passengers does not mean harming the interests of drivers. Now the market has been flooded with various online car hailing platforms. If you want to compete for the passenger platform, it is necessary to constantly improve in all aspects and try to provide better services for passengers. However, the realization of service upgrading cannot be based on harming the interests of drivers. The essence of business is equivalent exchange. Passengers pay for services and drivers make money. However, the requirement of carrying passengers to the 20th floor is actually a service outside the transaction, which is not directly related to the transportation services provided by the platform, and the driver cannot get the corresponding return. Such a requirement is a squeeze from the driver.

The safety problem of online car hailing has always been concerned by people, and the squeezing of drivers by the platform is often ignored. In addition to requiring the driver to provide additional services, the platform may also deduct the driver's income to provide preferential treatment for passengers, or make the driver and passengers see the difference in the payment amount through "yin and yang bills", thus increasing the platform's income. As for this, the government should formulate and improve the management system related to the online car hailing platform, clarify the standards and requirements for the operation behavior, service quality, driver management, etc. of the online car hailing platform, and provide legal basis for supervision. Relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of the online car hailing industry. At the same time, drivers should also strengthen their self-protection awareness and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

Online car hailing platforms should not ignore the rights and dignity of drivers while pursuing service upgrading. Every driver is an important part of the platform service, and their hard work and dedication are the cornerstone of the platform development. As for the online car hailing platform, it is necessary to re-examine its own values and business philosophy, truly people-oriented, and achieve a win-win situation for drivers and passengers.

(Editor in charge: Deng Hao)

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