Can you prevent competition by purchasing shoes for 600 yuan?

2024-05-10 07:21 Source: Guangzhou Daily
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

Can you prevent competition by purchasing shoes for 600 yuan?

07:21, May 10, 2024     Source: Guangzhou Daily     Huangfu Siyi

According to the Chinese Business Daily, recently, a video of a primary school sending a questionnaire to eliminate students' competition mentality and planning to buy a pair of sneakers for 600 yuan has attracted attention online. On the morning of the 8th, the staff of the local education bureau said that the education department only sent questionnaires to some schools and some classes to collect data in response to a proposal, not to let students' parents buy.

Let's start with the price. It is normal for schools to purchase uniform uniforms, but generally the price is not too expensive. Generally, it will be lower than the market price because of mass purchase. However, it is surprising that a pair of sneakers worth 600 yuan is of unknown quality, but its price is still more expensive than some brand sneakers, and even several times the price of affordable shoes. Pupils are in the stage of growing up, and shoe size changes quickly; In addition to the change of seasons and the demand for rotation, we will definitely not buy only one pair of shoes in a unified way. In this case, the cost of buying shoes at school is thousands of yuan. For ordinary families, this is not a small number.

Say again "anti climbing". As netizens commented, "poverty limits my imagination". Some schools use cheap cloth shoes for shopping, which may be regarded as anti competition. But the high price of 600 yuan can be said to be a luxury, which completely deviates from the original intention. Although it is only a survey, it is absurd to give such a specific but unrealistic figure in the questionnaire.

School is the place where children receive education, which is related to the growth of children. Parents usually try their best to cooperate with the school's requirements. The criticism of the 600 yuan "anti competition shoes" is a wake-up call to all schools: no matter in research or teaching, schools should be cautious and rigorous, and education should not lose its original purpose and cause disputes.

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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