"Six taels of blueberries for one pound" and "There is no chicken in the beggar's chicken" are not trivial matters

2024-05-08 07:17 Source: Guangming
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(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

"Six taels of blueberries for one pound" and "There is no chicken in the beggar's chicken" are not trivial matters

07:17, May 8, 2024     Source: Guangming     Remnant grain

In the past "May Day" holiday, consumer complaints occurred from time to time. Recently, the two incidents of "six taels of blueberries for one pound" and "no chicken in beggar's chicken" have aroused great concern on the Internet.

Let's look back at two events: at the gate of the ancient city of Dali, Yunnan, a fruit vendor was accused of being short of weight, and the vendor admitted that he deliberately sold blueberries weighing six ounces per kilogram, and argued that "Dali sells like this"; In Hefang Street, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, a blogger and his family bought three beggar chickens, one of which was eaten on the spot, and the other two were packed and taken away only to find that "there was only soil, no chicken". Later, the business explained that "the temporary workers were taken wrong".

Is such a plot familiar? In particular, the situation of "six liang blueberries are sold for one jin" is likely to be encountered even if people are not in the scenic spot but at their own doorstep. In reality, where goods and services are provided, there is a possibility of similar events. After the occurrence, apology, compensation, and standardized development are enough. However, what makes most people uncomfortable is that after the infringement of consumers' rights and interests, the people involved also responded with words such as "Dali sells like this" and "temporary workers are taken wrong". The implication is, "It's always like this. Why do you have so much to do?" and "I feel wronged for doing wrong temporary work". I'm afraid that people have been tired of hearing such words for a long time, and they have the corresponding answer in their hearts: Is it OK if it has always been like this? Is the person in charge of the temporary workers not responsible for their mistakes? This obviously cannot stand scrutiny.

Fortunately, as a popular tourist destination in China, the two places' attitudes towards tourists and their handling of this event are relatively pertinent. Dali Market Supervision and Administration Bureau criticized and educated the stall keeper Yang, and fined him 200 yuan for his problems in operation. Hangzhou Shangcheng Supervision Bureau went to Hefang Street to carry out on-site inspection, make transcripts, and carry out case filing and evidence collection investigation. It has synchronously accepted consumer complaints, contacted consumers for mediation, and will deal with them according to the investigation results in accordance with laws and regulations. The result of such treatment is also a breakdown of the above statement, which not only protects the basic rights and interests of tourists, purifies the local tourism market, but also gives a reply to many netizens who pay attention to this event.

It should be said that whether tourists conduct social supervision on acts that harm the legitimate rights and interests of consumers or local regulatory authorities actively intervene and strengthen supervision, they are all maintaining the local economic order and promoting the healthy development of their cultural tourism. Similar events seem trivial, and most people will not refuse to travel to a certain place because of one or two such events. However, if this problem persists for a long time, or even becomes a chronic disease, it will give people the impression of "why there is always a problem somewhere" over time. It is hard to say that people's yearning for a city will not change. More broadly, the city image, business environment and other abstract nouns are accumulated in small things?

With the "explosion" and "out of the circle" of various tourist cities, it is inevitable that some people in many scattered market entities will embrace the idea of making fast money. "Six taels of blueberries should be sold for one pound", "There is no chicken in the beggar's chicken", or yin and yang menus, "assassins", etc. All parties need to pay constant attention to this. For tourists, if they have more awareness of rights protection and more sincere attitude, they will have less routines in the market. In this way, all consumers will benefit. As for the regulatory authorities, only by constantly optimizing and upgrading the tourism market regulation, allowing consumers to make complaints, and supporting consumers, can they safeguard long-term interests and win better reputation for urban development.

In recent years, the role of tourism in urban economic development has gradually increased, and the competition among cities of different scales is also very hot. The data of the "May Day" golden week alone can be clearly seen: according to the data center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the total number of domestic tourism trips nationwide is 295 million, up 7.6% year on year, and 28.2% year on year from 2019 on a comparable basis. With the diversification of tourism destinations, in the future, which city will people go to and which city will they contribute traffic to on the social platform? In the "long tail" cycle of tourism, the attitude and intentions of local governments towards tourists are crucial.

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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