Young people travel with their parents "three chapters": exploring new ways of intergenerational communication

2024-05-06 06:47 Source: Rednet
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(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

Young people travel with their parents "three chapters": exploring new ways of intergenerational communication

06:47, May 6, 2024     Source: Rednet     Yu Mingjun

Recently, a video "You must swear before taking your parents to travel" became popular. In the video, netizens take their parents to swear before they set out: never say, "It would be better to lie down at home if I knew this", never say, "The tickets are too expensive for you two to go in, and I will stand outside"; Buy the delicious food directly; If you can't eat, don't push yourself; If you don't get up early in the morning, you can travel in no hurry; Go out happily, go home happily, and resolutely complete the travel plan. The video aroused sympathy among netizens, who commented at the bottom of the video, saying that they should also take an oath when traveling with their parents. (May 4, Southern Metropolis Daily)

The "three chapters" in the video is not a simple rule making, but rather a manifestation of intergenerational communication and mutual understanding, reflecting that contemporary young people, while respecting tradition, are also seeking to establish a more equal and open way of communication with their parents. This way of communication helps to ease the conflicts and frictions between young people and their parents due to the generation gap, and promotes harmonious coexistence between family members.

In traditional intergenerational communication, certain models and norms are often followed. Parents usually demand young people with their own experience, knowledge and values. Young people are also forced to compromise with their parents under the pressure of their parents. In case of a big dispute, the two sides usually have a hard time. The popularity of the video reflects the recognition and expectation of the society for a new type of intergenerational communication, which enables more young people to see new ways to improve family relations and the possibility of equal communication with their parents, and enlightens them on how to build a more harmonious relationship with their parents in their daily life.

With the development of all aspects of society, young people's lifestyle and values are significantly different from their parents' generation. Young people pursue freshness, stimulation and individuality, while parents pay more attention to safety, comfort and stability. This difference is especially obvious in travel, because travel itself is a process full of unknown and changes, which is easy to expose the differences in ideas between two generations. In terms of consumption concept, young people advocate buying what they like when they see it. Tourism emphasizes being happy and not paying too much attention to price, while parents think that tourism should also be frugal. Tickets are too expensive. It is good to look outside. Food in scenic spots is too expensive. Just bring some bread and snacks to fill your stomach; In terms of time management, young people have to sleep until they wake up naturally in the morning to visit the scenic spots with full energy, while parents will get up early in the morning to urge young people to get up and aspire to visit every scenic spot.

Through the "three chapters" with parents, young people and parents can understand and respect each other, and communicate with each other on problems that may occur during the travel. For example, it is agreed to respect each other's work and rest time and personal space during travel; Listen to everyone's opinions and make joint decisions on the selection of activities and schedule; In terms of travel expenses, we should negotiate with our parents about the consumption rules in the travel, reach a consumption principle acceptable to both parties, and avoid unnecessary misunderstanding due to money problems. It also helps to promote deeper emotional ties between family members. The "three chapters" with parents is essentially a form of communication with parents. It is to let young people convey their ideas to their parents and communicate with them on a more equal level. However, in the process of "making three rules" with parents, we should also respect their experience and values, understand their feelings and needs, get feedback in time, and find the balance point of their differences.

The popularity of the video of young people taking their parents' "Three Chapters on Making Laws" reflects young people's new thinking about family relations and new exploration of intergenerational communication methods. We look forward to more such methods in the future, so that family members can communicate more actively and harmoniously, and family members can respect and understand each other's ideas and feelings more.

(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

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