Who is the fault of abnormal love values entering college classroom?

06:58, March 15, 2024     Source: Rednet     Qin Yiming

On March 13, the Beijing News reported that the course Love Psychology offered by Gong Mou, a teacher from the School of Geography, East China Normal University, was exposed to improper remarks suspected of gender discrimination, causing controversy. On the same day, the Beijing News reporter learned from the student office of East China Normal University that Gong will no longer be a teacher of Love Psychology, but will be taught by the teachers of the School of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences in the follow-up courses.

As early as 2022, the Ministry of Education, responding to the suggestions of the NPC deputies, said that it would encourage colleges and universities to strengthen the education of love psychology and family ethics, improve students' ability to express, communicate and communicate, and guide students to establish a correct view of love, marriage and family. The problem of love is related to the physical and mental health of college students. In recent years, many colleges and universities have set up elective courses related to love. The purpose is not only to learn love skills, but also to understand how to properly handle interpersonal relationships and treat feelings responsibly. Previously, many college love courses were sought after by students, which fully responded to the students' needs.

In this event, the online courseware shows that the teacher's teaching views include "women's explicit, especially implicit, feelings of conservative men in love can greatly enhance their attractiveness to men", "the main points of women's pursuit of men in love include oral claims of 'having children'"... In today's society where gender equality is pursued, such views are pedantic and vulgar; The teacher's morality is questionable by using the university classroom to publicize the idea of objectifying women and strengthening female stereotypes. The teacher who teaches love psychology has backward and even deformed love values. How can we guide students to establish correct love values? The college classroom should not be a platform for teachers to spread their personal views in the training class of love psychology.

It is understood that as early as 2013, East China Normal University moved "love" into the classroom and opened an elective course of "marriage and love". This kind of curriculum should have a clear and rigorous curriculum framework until now. However, as a teacher of the School of Geography Sciences, this teacher offers psychological courses. The course content has been approved by the Academic Affairs Office and has been opened for many years. We can't help asking whether there is any vacancy in the management and review of the school's curriculum. If the school cannot set a strict review mechanism for the curriculum, then even if the course has been suspended and the teacher has changed, it cannot avoid the recurrence of such incidents. As colleges and universities, we should pay attention to the construction of teachers' ethics, and we should not let feudal ideas such as "women should please men" spread in the classroom.

In addition, "the assessment standard of this course is low, and many students choose it for credit" is also thought-provoking. Under the pressure of high intensity academic assessment, countless students fall into the inner quagmire for credits. The grade given by the teacher affects the students' course selection strategy, and the students' pursuit of grade points goes beyond interest and knowledge itself. Colleges and universities should pay more attention to the quality education of students and the cultivation of their outlook on life and values. They should not bind students to their achievements, but should properly untie them. As students, we don't have to be confined to the strange circle of achievement points and blindly get "test scores". We should provide more possibilities for personal growth and development in the future, break the utilitarian education concept and provide more tracks for life.

For this incident, on the one hand, we admire the courage of the student who dared to point out problems when the rights of teachers and students were not equal. As men show courage and strength in fighting for women's rights, we see the efforts and hope on the road of equal rights for men and women. On the other hand, the thought of the university classroom is free and open. We should treat different academic views with an inclusive attitude, but that does not mean that we should remain silent in the face of distorted facts and deformed values. There should be no huge cost behind reporting.

(Editor in charge: Zang Mengya)

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Who is the fault of abnormal love values entering college classroom?

2024-03-15 06:58 Source: Rednet Qin Yiming
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