More than 100 live broadcasts a month by the head teacher? Teachers' live broadcast should be strictly restricted

07:02, March 3, 2024     Source: Guangming     Earthy velvet

Recently, Mr. Zou, a Chongqing citizen, reported that many bloggers who claimed to be teachers attracted fans by publishing student videos and received rewards in live broadcast for profit. Among them, a blogger named Teacher Tang carried out more than 100 live broadcasts in a month, and was accused of "live broadcast after class".

This news is shocking. The first reaction of many netizens is: Are teachers so free? In this regard, a staff member of Chongqing Rongchang District Education Commission said: Mr. Zou has reported that the situation is true. The school has been instructed to require the teacher to prohibit live broadcast during working hours. If the teacher receives a reward from the student's parents, the fee will be returned.

The education committee of Rongchang District responded very quickly and firmly, which deserves praise. But the problem is, where do these teachers have so much time for live broadcast? Did their live broadcast affect their work? In the face of netizens' doubts, the "teacher Tang" defended himself: "I didn't make any improper remarks, nor did I use my working hours to broadcast live, whatever you want to say." However, according to the live broadcast record, she almost "broadcast live after class". So, is it possible to leave work after class?

Education is a very hard work, which is not only reflected in what teachers have done "visibly", but also in a large number of "invisible" mental work. Classroom is important, but outside of the classroom, teachers also need to spend time and energy preparing lessons carefully. They need to patiently and carefully understand each student, so that students can stimulate their learning interest and improve their learning motivation... If they are head teachers, there will be more work to think about and deal with. A responsible teacher will definitely put time and energy on these matters, rather than live broadcast after class. Those teachers who are keen on live broadcasting may not only have arrears in working hours, but also be too perfunctory in work content.

In addition, teachers' live broadcast also involves another problem, that is, many teachers do not just broadcast themselves, but use students as "passwords" to attract traffic. Some teachers even deliberately broadcast students' embarrassments and "scandals" to attract fans. So, before the live broadcast, have these teachers obtained the consent of the students themselves? Since primary and secondary school students are minors, teachers should also obtain the consent of their guardians before they can publicly use video materials related to students. Otherwise, it will be suspected of violating the students' right of portrait and privacy. Therefore, from the perspective of protecting minors, teachers should not aim the live broadcast at students either during working hours or after work hours.

Third, teachers' live broadcast is also easy to cause benefit transmission. For example, if the teacher gives a reward during the live broadcast, some parents may come to give a reward to show "support". Will the teacher "take special care" of children who reward their parents? Other parents may not be calm when they see it... Once this reward approach is successful, it may be difficult to ensure a clear relationship between home and school.

Of course, teachers also have the right to rest and private life. If it is in the off duty time, individuals do live broadcast on the camera, there is no need to ban it all. However, doing live broadcast during working hours is likely to affect my work, especially if there are students on camera, which must be strictly limited. As for rewards, they should not be accepted. At present, there are not many teachers doing live broadcast. In the face of this new situation, relevant departments should pay attention to it in a timely manner, issue relevant specifications as soon as possible, make detailed regulations on live broadcast time, content, anchor behavior, etc., restrict teachers' behavior, protect students' due rights and interests, and draw teachers' attention back to education.

(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

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More than 100 live broadcasts a month by the head teacher? Teachers' live broadcast should be strictly restricted

2024-03-03 07:02 Source: Guangming Earthy velvet
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