China Economic Review: How does the city go from "online popularity" to "permanent popularity"?

07:00, May 21, 2023     Source: China Economic Network    

   Core point: Mr. Zifang, a commentator on China Economic Network, believes that the birth of the "online celebrity city" is fundamentally the necessity of high-quality urban development. If you want to become a "popular online city", you need to connect with the local economy and emotion. The name of "online celebrity" will not last forever. Only the city's temperament, cultural heritage and warm experience can make people feel what they want and what they want to do.

In the Internet era, not only people but also cities are popular because of the Internet. With the help of short video, live broadcast and other platforms, some cities have attracted countless fans online and offline. "8D Magic", "Online Celebrity Changsha" and "Going to Zibo for Roasting"... Since this year, people's enthusiasm for traveling has been completely released. A number of new and old "online celebrity cities", such as Chongqing, Changsha and Zibo, have attracted tourists from all over the country to "punch in".

The strong popularity has brought the "wealth" of "real gold and silver". Take the data of the May Day holiday this year as an example. The tourism consumption of Zibo, a newly promoted "Internet celebrity city", increased by 73% month on month, and the average daily consumption amount of tourists in local small and medium-sized businesses in Zibo also increased by nearly 40% month on month; The 27 tourist attractions of the old brand "Cyber City" in Changsha have received a total of 1.9495 million tourists and achieved a revenue of 92.1051 million yuan.

In the lively consumption scene, in the soaring consumption enthusiasm, what is surging is the surging vitality of the economy, which reflects the beautiful yearning for life. This upward force is the result of the joint efforts of various parties.

Just imagine that without a modern transportation network extending in all directions, a "go as you go trip" can only be a talk, and there is no way to talk about experiential consumption; Without people's desire for rich cultural life and spiritual food, there will be no "clock in wave" that is popular on the Internet; Without the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture in various places, there will be no cultural tourism projects, cultural and creative products, and it will be difficult to attract many tourists to really aspire to it

It can be seen that the birth of "online celebrity city" is fundamentally the necessity of high-quality urban development.

By combing the "growth stories" of online celebrity cities, we can find that, unlike in the past, cities are no longer satisfied with promoting "eating, drinking, and having fun", but continue to improve the quality and reputation of cities and accelerate the improvement of the overall tourism environment and services. For example, Chongqing has built characteristic streets such as Shancheng Lane, Shiba Ladder, Daijia Lane through urban renewal projects. In the future, it will continue to help the high-quality development of urban culture and tourism by improving the environment of the old city. For another example, market supervision and management departments in many places have taken actions to seriously investigate and deal with acts that damage the legitimate rights and interests of consumers in a timely manner in response to tourism chaos such as "priceless catering".

It is worth reminding that for those cities that have not yet become "online celebrities", we must not rush to attract tourists with a patterned and homogeneous approach. This will not only make cities become "online celebrities", but will lose their own advantages in economic development. It seems to be lively, but its life cycle is doomed to be short because it caters to the "Internet celebrity" generated by public attention. Some places have become popular for a while because of the concept of characteristic ancient city and unique street block, but they soon become desolate because of extreme commercialization, management loss and other problems.

In fact, which city has no barbecue? Which city has no scenic spots? Which city has no story? Zibo reminds all small and medium-sized cities that as long as there are markets and fireworks, there is the possibility of fire. At the same time, it also shows that there may be no such thing as a tourist city or a non tourist city. If you want to become a "popular online city", you need to connect with the local economy and emotion. The name of "online celebrity" will not last forever. Only the city's temperament, cultural heritage and warm experience can make people feel what they want and what they want to do.

Going through the halo of "Internet celebrity" is a process of people rediscovering the city. From soft culture to hard industry, from big city construction to micro governance, from fireworks to fashion sense, for the "online celebrity city", if it wants to become "popular" for a long time, it is just on its way! (Mr. Zifang, commentator of China Economic Network)

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(Editor in charge: Li Yan)

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China Economic Review: How does the city go from "online popularity" to "permanent popularity"?

2023-05-21 07:00 Source: China Economic Network
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