China Economic Review: Why can a "small wheel" turn a "big industry"?

07:00, May 9, 2023     Source: China Economic Network    

   Core point: Mr. Zifang, a commentator on China Economic Network, believes that once, the "small wheel" was just a means of transportation; Today, from the new trend of low-carbon travel, to the new way to open the social circle, to the emerging new events around the world, the "riding craze" has not only ignited the bicycle industry, but also generated more consumer formats, cross integration with other industries, and created many new jobs.

"Walking is too slow, driving is too fast, and riding a bike to visit a city will not miss the beautiful scenery." Ding Lingling, the bicycle comes from memory and is again popular across the country.

According to the data, there are more than 100 million people cycling regularly and nearly ten million people participating in cycling. Once, the "small wheel" was just a transportation tool; Today, from the new trend of low-carbon travel, to the new way to open the social circle, to the emerging new events around the world, the "riding craze" has not only ignited the bicycle industry, but also generated more consumer formats, cross integration with other industries, and created many new jobs. In 2022, enterprises above designated size in China's bicycle industry will achieve revenue of 210 billion yuan, up 3% year on year, and profit of more than 10 billion yuan, up 20% year on year. The economic benefits of the industry will continue to improve.

The "small wheel" can turn the "big industry", on the one hand, it can not be separated from the "contribution" of the vast number of riders. If you want to experience the happiness of "speed and passion", it is unrealistic to expect "three or eight bars". It is an inevitable choice to constantly increase the investment in equipment. The so-called "Once you ride in the sea, your wallet will be a passer-by" is a realistic portrayal of some riders. Paying for "love" is not cheap. Choosing a satisfactory "car" and the corresponding supporting equipment will only cost "a little bit". From "Xiaobai" to "player", there will be a lot of expenses later.

On the other hand, it is also related to the continuous updating of the concept of urban development. In fact, as far as urban planning is concerned, the design of bicycle lanes is not only as simple as drawing one more line, but also contains the fireworks of life. In recent years, Beijing has promoted the construction of a slow traffic system dominated by bicycle lanes. Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, has built bicycle lanes on both sides of the Fen River, and Xiamen, Fujian Province has laid bicycle lanes on the sea surface of Xinglin Bay... Similar new projects are popular, not only because people's cycling space has been expanded and their cycling needs have been met, but also because they reflect the urban ecology's impact on "slow life" Tolerance and understanding.

Standing on the wind of the times, "riding hot" will not become a gust of wind. But at the same time, it should be noted that compared with people's strong consumer demand, the supply of high-end bicycle products in China is still insufficient. China is a "big bicycle country", but not a "strong bicycle country". It is reported that the more high-end bicycles are, the more core components of overseas enterprises will be used. For example, for bicycles costing more than $300, only about 30% of the domestic core components are available; For bicycles worth more than 1000 dollars, the domestic core parts will be reduced to about 10%. For domestic manufacturing enterprises, they should further strengthen scientific and technological research and development, improve their independent innovation ability, and solve people's "what to ride" needs. They should not "drop the chain" when consumers need you.

In addition, answer the question of "where to ride". Nowadays, cycling is no longer "no choice" for travel, but "active action" under the concept of green travel and national fitness. On this basis, all regions may wish to continue to follow this trend and create a more friendly cycling environment according to local conditions, such as planning more bike lanes, further expanding the cycling road system, and opening up more cultural and tourism cycling routes. In this way, we can share the beauty of riding fashion and urban development, and better continue the "heat" of riding.

A bicycle, three or five friends, rides through the city and nature. This smooth cycling road has people's desire for a healthy life, opportunities for the development of "bicycle economy", and the vitality and vitality of a city. (Mr. Zifang, commentator of China Economic Network)

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(Editor in charge: Li Yan)

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China Economic Review: Why can a "small wheel" turn a "big industry"?

2023-05-09 07:00 Source: China Economic Network
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