Blockchain ushers in new opportunities to boost high-quality economic development

09:50, June 14, 2021     Source: China Economic Network    

[Big country, small food @ new development concept]

   Core point: Mao Tonghui, columnist of China Economic Network, believes that the introduction of guidance at the national level has set the regional chain on a new starting point and opened up new space, which will also add impetus support for the blockchain to strengthen technological breakthroughs, deepen industrial integration and accelerate industrial development.

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Office of the Central Cybersecurity and Information Technology Commission jointly released the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Application of Blockchain Technology and Industrial Development. The opinions are clear. By 2025, the comprehensive strength of the blockchain industry will reach the world's advanced level, and the industry will take shape.

Blockchain is an important part of the new generation of information technology. It is a new database software integrated with distributed network, encryption technology, smart contract and other technologies. Through transparent, tamper resistant and traceable data, it is expected to solve the trust and security problems in cyberspace, promote the transformation of the Internet from information transmission to value transmission, and reconstruct the information industry system. The 14th Five Year Plan and 2035 Vision Outline put forward the requirements of "focusing on alliance chain to develop blockchain service platform and application programs in fields such as financial technology, supply chain management, and government services". In the future, blockchain will play an increasingly important role.

At present, the development of blockchain can be described as both "danger" and "opportunity". On the one hand, its technology application and industry have already had a good foundation for development. As early as 2018, China had more than 80% of the world's blockchain patents. On the other hand, as an emerging technology, blockchain technology is still in its early stage of development. It is faced with such problems as urgent breakthroughs in core technologies, immature integration applications, imperfect industrial ecology, and obvious shortage of talent reserves. In the actual process of industrial implementation, it still faces challenges such as "information barriers" and difficulties in physical goods on the chain.

This time, the guidance issued at the national level has put the regional chain development on a new starting point and opened up new space, which will also add impetus support for the blockchain to strengthen technological breakthroughs, deepen industrial integration and accelerate industrial development. Both at the government level and the market level, we should seize the opportunity, seize the momentum, focus on the pain points, unblock the blockchain, speed up the pace of blockchain implementation, promote the integration of blockchain and more industries, and enhance the endogenous power of high-quality development of China's economy.

First, we should accelerate technological innovation. It is our biggest hidden danger that core technology is restricted by others. At present, encryption technology, consensus algorithm and other core technologies in blockchain technology are mainly from developed countries. To grasp the development initiative and ensure Internet security and national security, we must break through the core technology problem. We should strengthen blockchain technology research and development, increase investment in blockchain technology research and development, accelerate the implementation of blockchain technology application scenarios, and promote the deep integration of blockchain technology and real industry.

Second, we should increase policy support. It is necessary to introduce more incentive policies for blockchain technology application and industrial development from the government level, such as setting up an industrial development guidance fund. In fact, last year, several provincial administrative regions, including Beijing, Hunan, Guizhou, Hainan, Jiangsu, and Hebei, issued special development policies for blockchain.

Third, we should step up the cultivation of industrial ecosystems. The development of blockchain technology can not be separated from the protection of the rights and interests of market players in all aspects. It is necessary to improve the fault-tolerant mechanism, optimize the business environment, create a channel for technological innovation and scene integration, and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements with application driven. At the same time, we will resolutely crack down on and curb illegal, fraudulent and deceptive behaviors in the name of "blockchain", such as pyramid selling and speculation of various "air currencies".

Fourth, we should strengthen talent training. Talent shortage is an important bottleneck restricting the development of blockchain. As a structural innovation technology, blockchain has a huge demand for composite talents, requiring practitioners to master a variety of professional technical knowledge involving computer technology, cryptography and so on. To develop blockchain, we must strengthen the construction of talent team and establish a talent cultivation system from basic research, application research and development, industrial integration and other aspects.

From technical conception to reality, blockchain has increasingly shown its great power to enable industrial innovation and boost economic construction. We should adhere to the problem orientation, further strengthen the guidance and standardization of blockchain technology, open up unlimited space for the development and application of blockchain, and promote blockchain technology to play a greater role in building a network power, developing the digital economy, and helping economic and social development. (Mao Tonghui, columnist of China Economic Network)


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Blockchain ushers in new opportunities to boost high-quality economic development

2021-06-14 09:50 Source: China Economic Network
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