Wei Qijia: Adhere to the concept of system and build a new development pattern

07:18, June 9, 2021     Source: Economic Daily    

[Big country, small food @ new development concept]

Accelerating the construction of a new development pattern with the domestic macro cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycle promoting each other is not only the path choice of China's economic modernization, but also the strategic choice to respond to the opportunities and challenges in the new development stage and implement the new development concept. It needs to accurately grasp and actively promote the overall situation. In the specific practice of promoting high-quality development, a deep understanding of the connotation and characteristics of building a new development pattern is necessary to adapt to the changes in China's economic development stage, cope with the complex changes in the international environment, give play to the advantages of China's super large economy, and further promote the development of new momentum.


From the perspective of theoretical development, building a new development pattern is the enrichment and development of the theory of national economic cycle. Accelerating the construction of a new development pattern with the domestic macro cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycle promoting each other is an important theoretical innovation and practical exploration of the central government on how to solve the structural problems of economic growth in large economies and respond to the complex and changing international environment on the basis of the basic theories and methods of Marxist political economy. Marxist political economy believes that the socio-economic process is a cycle of production, exchange, distribution and consumption. Only if the economic cycle is unblocked, reproduction and economic operation can be carried out normally, and economic development can enter the positive spiral of constantly improving the quality of development. Smooth economic circulation is the internal requirement of high-quality development. At present, China's total economic output has exceeded 100 trillion yuan, but the insufficient effective demand, structural mismatch and other problems have become important factors restricting the supply side structural reform to continue to deepen. It is crucial to accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, adhere to the supply side structural reform as the main line, and focus on solving the demand side problems. The purpose of unblocking the national economic cycle on the basis of a huge total is to link up production, distribution, circulation and consumption, further improve the matching degree between the supply system and domestic demand, find out China's position and comparative advantage in the domestic and international dual cycle, and promote domestic demand and supply side structural reform as a whole, So as to accelerate the formation of a higher level dynamic balance of demand pulling supply and supply creating demand.

From the perspective of domestic factor endowments, building a new development pattern is an active choice aimed at further improving factor efficiency and providing sustained momentum for high-quality development. After years of accumulation and efforts, the conditions conducive to building a new development pattern in China are increasing. First, there is a foundation to ensure supply capacity. China has the most complete industrial supply system, with 39 industrial categories, 191 medium categories and 525 sub categories. It is the only country in the world that has all the industrial categories in the UN industrial classification, with a solid production foundation. The total scale of manufacturing industry keeps rising, and it is the largest manufacturing country in the world. The industrial chain and supply chain are flexible and resilient, and have the basic conditions to accelerate the development of modern industrial system and promote the optimization and upgrading of economic system. Second, the demand potential has stamina. China has a population of 1.4 billion, a per capita GDP of more than 10000 US dollars, an urbanization rate of more than 60%, and a middle-income group of more than 400 million people. The consumption potential behind the figures is huge. The coordinated development of urban and rural areas and regions also provides a "place to use" for effective investment in new infrastructure, farmland and water conservancy construction, urban public infrastructure optimization, etc. Third, human capital is sufficient. Since the reform and opening up, China has cultivated more than 300 million high-quality technical workers and a large number of professional and technical personnel in the process of industrialization, ranking first in the world in absolute scale. To build a new development pattern, an important focus is to make good use of China's deep and broad economic advantages, give full play to the scale effect and agglomeration effect of factors, and release huge and lasting momentum for high-quality development.

Judging from the new situation and changes in the international economic situation, building a new development pattern is an inevitable requirement to better connect the domestic and international markets and promote high-level opening up. At present, the recovery of the world economy is slow, and the global market is contracting significantly. Influenced by unilateralism, anti globalization, epidemic impact and other factors, the stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain has been impacted. The new contradiction and new challenge require us to adjust the traditional path followed by economic growth in a timely manner, and effectively hedge the negative impact of the international circulation momentum on domestic economic growth. The domestic market and the international market have always been an integral whole. To achieve a high level of self-reliance and self-improvement, we must make good use of both domestic and international markets, strengthen opening and cooperation, more closely interact with the world economy, and constantly improve the efficiency and level of the domestic cycle. On the one hand, by comprehensively improving the level of opening up, we will create new advantages in international cooperation and competition, attract high-quality international factor resources, and deeply integrate into the international industrial chain, supply chain and value chain. On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the localization construction of the industrial chain and supply chain, form an industrial system with appropriate proportion and matching the economic development stage, maintain the traditional advantages of the manufacturing industry, speed up the repair of weak and strong points, and further improve the industrial resilience.


Building a new development pattern is a systematic project involving a wide range of areas. It cannot be achieved overnight. It needs to adhere to goal orientation and problem orientation, adhere to the system concept, and work for a long time. This is both epistemology and methodology.

The first is to achieve the positive interaction between supply and demand in the areas of weakness and strength. It is the key to smooth the economic cycle to make up the weak points and break the blocking points, which plays an important role in driving the "all in one". We should focus on the security and stability of the industrial chain and supply chain, strengthen basic research and applied basic research, build a new national system for tackling key core technologies under the conditions of the socialist market economy, and accelerate the breakthrough of key core technologies. Strengthen the integration with the international industrial chain and supply chain, stabilize the domestic industrial base, and constantly improve China's position in the international industrial chain and value chain by promoting high-level opening up. Continuously carry out quality improvement actions and continuously improve the quality of products and services.

The second is to promote scientific and technological innovation and industrial structure upgrading in the process of strengthening factor support. We will work hard to build a complete domestic demand system, deepen the market-oriented reform of factors, accelerate the construction of a unified, open, and orderly competitive modern market system, and allow all kinds of factors to flow freely and give full play to their effectiveness. Create a world-class business environment and strengthen the protection of property rights and intellectual property rights. At the same time, we will accelerate the establishment of a general evaluation system for the technical evaluation of professional workers in the manufacturing industry, so that technical workers can have a real sense of professional belonging. It is suggested to standardize the certification of the professional and technical level of skilled workers by comparing with the professional title evaluation series of professors and researchers, so as to enhance the sense of professional identity and enhance the "gold content" of the post.

The third is to implement the construction of a new development pattern in the formation of policy synergy. We will strengthen the precise coordination of industrial policies, regional policies, and fiscal and tax policies, and form policy synergy to promote the balance of economic aggregate, structural optimization, and internal and external balance. Build a policy system of science and technology, industry and finance to promote each other, promote industrial policy transformation, and strengthen policy functionality. Improve the level of expectation management and improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism of macroeconomic policies. We will firmly uphold the multilateral trading system, actively participate in global macroeconomic policy coordination, and promote the formulation of more equitable and reasonable international economic and trade rules.

In a word, accelerating the construction of a new development pattern with the domestic macro cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycle promoting each other is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, based on the stage of economic development and changes in the international environment, with a view to achieving higher quality, more efficient, more equitable, more sustainable and safer development. This year is the first year for the implementation of the 14th Five Year Plan and the start of a new journey to comprehensively build a modern socialist country. We will work hard to implement the decision and deployment of building a new development pattern, take the initiative, act scientifically, and act accurately to achieve dynamic matching between supply and demand, which will certainly open new space for making full use of the major strategic opportunity period.

(Source: Economic Daily Author: Wei Qijia, National Information Center)

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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Wei Qijia: Adhere to the concept of system and build a new development pattern

2021-06-09 07:18 Source: Economic Daily
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