"People First" Reflects Behind China's "Ability"

07:02, May 21, 2021     Source: Economic Daily    

According to foreign media reports, a recent poll of nearly 20000 people in 31 provinces of China by York University in Canada shows that 98% of Chinese people trust the Chinese government. This survey result gave a blow to the American politicians who maliciously attacked the Communist Party of China. The Chinese people's high trust in the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government is the height that these unscrupulous politicians envy but cannot reach.

Why are Chinese people so satisfied? The irrefutable facts give convincing answers: First, the Chinese government provides basic social security for vulnerable groups; Second, China deepens the fight against corruption; Third, we will vigorously improve environmental issues. As early as in China's Thunder, published in 1946, American journalists Bethune and Gianna seemed to have made a precise prediction, "The Communist Party of China has not used any magic, they just know the changes people desire, and they support these changes".

A history of the Communist Party of China is a history of the Communist Party of China seeking happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Communist Party of China has always adhered to the value orientation of putting the people first, from comprehensively deepening the reform of "the people have their voice and the reform has their response" to building the world's largest social security system, from the construction of ecological civilization of "making contributions to the present age and benefiting the future" to the comprehensive victory of the fight against poverty, Always regard the people's aspiration for a better life as the goal of struggle, use the "ability" of the Communist Party of China to create one after another "impossible", and win the broad recognition and firm support of the people with brilliant achievements in governance.

In particular, in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, more than 39 million party members and cadres are fighting at the front line of the epidemic, and more than 13 million party members have participated in voluntary services. When wind and rain come, the leadership of the Communist Party of China is always the most important guarantee and reliable support. After hardships, the Chinese people have become more supportive and trustworthy of the Communist Party of China and more confident in the Chinese system. The World Health Organization commented that the strength of China's system and the effectiveness of China's measures are "rare" in the world.

More importantly, the Chinese Communists have never been narrow-minded nationalists, and have always taken it as their mission to make new and greater contributions to mankind. "The Communist Party of China is the largest political party in the world. Big is big." Since the outbreak of the epidemic, China has successively provided vaccine assistance to more than 80 developing countries, exported vaccines to more than 50 countries, continued to expand opening up, promoted high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road", and injected confidence and momentum into the world economic recovery. China also solemnly promises to strive to achieve carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, and play a greater leading role in promoting global climate governance.

A hundred years is just a prelude to the great achievements of the future. The Communist Party of China will lead the Chinese people to continue to be a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of the international order, and continue to contribute wisdom and strength to building a better world. (Source: Economic Daily Author: Guo Yan)

(Editor in charge: Zang Mengya)

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"People First" Reflects Behind China's "Ability"

2021-05-21 07:02 Source: Economic Daily
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