Understand and grasp the new development pattern with scientific thinking

07:21, November 30, 2020     Source: Economic Daily    

The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee stressed that "accelerating the construction of a new development pattern with domestic circulation as the main body and domestic and international double circulation promoting each other". The construction of a new development pattern is a strategic choice made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, in accordance with the changes in China's development stage, environment and conditions, and by adhering to scientific thinking. To correctly understand and grasp the new development pattern, we also need to adhere to the use of strategic thinking, innovative thinking, dialectical thinking, bottom line thinking and other scientific thinking.

Seeking the overall situation with strategic thinking

China is the largest market with the greatest potential in the world. It has the most complete industrial supporting conditions, strong material foundation, rich human resources, broad market space, strong development resilience and other advantages. To build a new development pattern, we need to use strategic thinking to take a broad view of the whole situation. In particular, we need to seize the strategic starting point, adhere to the strategic direction, organically combine the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with deepening the supply side structural reform, and achieve strategic breakthroughs in solving the outstanding problems at both ends of supply and demand.

On the one hand, we should seize the strategic basis of expanding domestic demand. China has a very large domestic demand market, and the expansion of middle-income groups breeds a large number of demand for consumption upgrading. To build a new development pattern, we must give full play to China's super large market advantage and domestic demand potential, firmly implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, take meeting domestic demand as the starting point and foothold of development, accelerate the construction of a complete domestic demand system, and form a higher level dynamic balance of demand pulling supply and supply creating demand. We should give full play to the fundamental role of consumption, actively adjust the distribution structure of national income, expand the scale of effective demand, and transform potential consumption demand into market vitality.

On the other hand, we should adhere to the strategic direction of supply side structural reform. China has the most complete and largest industrial system in the world, providing a solid foundation for building a new development pattern. In view of the low quality and unreasonable structure of the supply side, we should continue to deepen the supply side structural reform, reduce ineffective supply, expand effective supply, improve the adaptability of the supply system to domestic demand, and achieve a leap from a low level of supply and demand balance to a high level of supply and demand balance.

Increase vitality with innovative thinking

Building a new development pattern is a systematic and profound change that concerns the overall situation. In the face of new situations and problems, we should be good at using innovative thinking to plan and promote. We must jump out of the restrictions of rules and regulations, break through the barriers of ideology, break through the barriers of interest fixation, further emancipate the mind, deepen reform, and explore and innovate.

Reform is the key to the liberation and development of social productive forces and the fundamental driving force for national development. We need to show greater courage and take more measures to break down deep-seated institutional and institutional barriers, deepen reform and stimulate new development vitality, so that all sources of power conducive to the development of social productivity can fully flow.

Scientific and technological innovation is the strategic support for the construction of a modern industrial system and the key to the formation of a major domestic cycle. To build a new development pattern, we must unswervingly implement the innovation driven development strategy, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation and other innovations, and use scientific and technological innovation to generate new development momentum. It is necessary to comprehensively enhance the ability of independent innovation, break through key core technologies as soon as possible, truly grasp the initiative of competition and development, and accelerate the promotion of strategic emerging industries such as digital economy, intelligent manufacturing, life health, and new materials. We should vigorously promote the reform of the scientific and technological system, give play to the synergy of scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation, remove institutional barriers, improve the effectiveness of the innovation system, and focus on stimulating innovation vitality.

Focus on the key with dialectical thinking

The new development pattern is not a closed domestic cycle, but an open domestic and international double cycle. To understand and grasp the new development pattern, we need to use dialectical thinking to analyze and solve contradictions, so as to grasp the key, find the key points and insight into the law.

To build a new development pattern, we should adhere to the two point theory and comprehensively and systematically promote it. Domestic circulation and international circulation are only the division of the scope of economic activities based on national boundaries. However, in the process of economic globalization, most countries not only maintain domestic economic circulation, but also participate in international economic circulation. According to the changes in China's development stage, environment and conditions, we should promote the formation of a new development pattern with domestic circulation as the main body and domestic and international double circulation promoting each other. This "double cycle" is an organic whole that is interconnected, interdependent, interactive and integrated, and we cannot ignore one thing and lose another. In the long run, economic globalization is still a historical trend, and the division of work and cooperation among countries for mutual benefit and win-win results is a long-term trend. We should stand on the right side of history, unswervingly expand opening up, and better connect the domestic market and the international market.

To build a new development pattern, we should focus on both two points and key points. In the current external environment of rising protectionism, sluggish world economy and shrinking global market, we should give full play to the advantages of the domestic super market, prosper the domestic economy, smooth the domestic circulation, and make breakthroughs around key areas and regions. We should focus on breaking through a number of key core technologies, effectively eliminate the "blockages" and "breakpoints" in production, distribution, circulation and consumption, and strive to break through the obstacles that restrict the domestic circulation.

Prevent risks with bottom line thinking

To build a new development pattern, we are facing complex domestic and international situations. Domestically, China is in the critical period of transforming the development mode, optimizing the economic structure, and transforming the driving force of growth. Structural, institutional, and cyclical issues are intertwined. Internationally, the world has entered a period of turbulence and change, economic globalization has encountered counter current, and protectionism and unilateralism prevail in some countries. Therefore, we must be prepared for a series of new risks and challenges in times of peace.

In the process of building a new development pattern, we must improve our bottom line thinking ability and take the initiative to prevent and resolve risks. We should not only take the lead in risk prevention, vigorously promote the improvement of weaknesses and strengths, actively seize the commanding heights of scientific and technological competition and future development, but also make ideological preparations and work preparations for dealing with changes in the external environment for a long time; It is also necessary to have high strategies to deal with and resolve risks and challenges, give full play to the remarkable advantage of China's socialist system that it can concentrate its efforts on major issues, and solve the technical "choke" problem in China's economic cycle. We should actively carry out cooperation and form an all-round, multi-level and diversified open cooperation pattern; We should also make a good overall plan for development and security, and firmly hold the development initiative in our own hands. Through the implementation of a series of measures, actively maintain the safety of the industrial chain and supply chain, improve the stability, competitiveness and modernization of the industrial chain and supply chain, so as to deal with the risks brought by supply chain disruption and industrial chain restructuring, and ensure the smooth and safe operation of the national economic cycle. (Source: Economic Daily Author: Li Xiaoguang, Zhang Weiwei)

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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Understand and grasp the new development pattern with scientific thinking

2020-11-30 07:21 Source: Economic Daily
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