Reform is the key to improve the efficiency of resource allocation

07:24, September 10, 2020     Source: Economic Daily    

According to General Secretary Xi Jinping's emphasis on the 15th meeting of the Central Committee for the Comprehensive Deepening of Reform, the editor should be good at using reform thinking and reform methods, and consider short-term response and medium - and long-term development as a whole, both strategically and in key areas. We should accelerate reforms that are conducive to improving the efficiency of resource allocation, improving the quality and efficiency of development, and mobilizing the enthusiasm of all sectors. In order to better implement the spirit of the meeting, this newspaper has launched a series of comments on "accelerating the deeper reform". Please pay attention.

People are not unfamiliar with "resource allocation efficiency". Since the establishment of the socialist market economy system, "improving the efficiency of resource allocation" has been running through all stages of China's economic construction. In a sense, more than 40 years of reform and opening up is a process of continuously improving the efficiency of resource allocation through reform and opening up.

On September 1, when presiding over the 15th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we should speed up the reform that is conducive to improving the efficiency of resource allocation, improving the quality and efficiency of development, and mobilizing the enthusiasm of all parties. This enlightens us that when China's economy enters the stage of high-quality development, we must make full use of the key move of reform, use innovative thinking and reform methods, further optimize and improve the system and mechanism of resource allocation, play the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, and better play the role of the government.

The improvement of resource allocation efficiency depends on the free flow of production factors. Generally, the free flow of factors is mainly affected by two factors. First, there are differences in returns between different industries or sectors, and second, there is an external environment that promotes the free flow of factors. Therefore, only by breaking the system and mechanism that hinder the free flow of factors through reform can market factors continue to flow to the links with higher efficiency and better efficiency. On the contrary, these element resources will settle down, and there is no way to improve the efficiency of resource allocation.

The improvement of resource allocation efficiency is inseparable from the continuous optimization and improvement of business environment. In recent years, China has continued to make efforts to build a business environment and achieved positive results. In the business environment report issued by the World Bank, China has become one of the countries with the fastest jump in the global ranking of business environment. At the same time, we should also see that in countries and regions with good benchmarking international rules and business environment, there is still much room for improvement in the construction of China's business environment, especially in reducing the threshold of market access, implementing intellectual property protection, reducing the cost of factor flow, etc., we still need the courage and strength to catch the tracks of the iron and stay in print, so as to truly make the reform take root.

To improve the efficiency of resource allocation, the relationship between the government and the market should be handled well. For a long time, the relationship between the government and the market has always been one of the core issues of economic restructuring. More than 40 years of reform and opening up practice has fully proved that the market allocation of resources is the most efficient form. At this stage, to speed up the market-oriented allocation of factors, the key is to further clarify the relationship between the government and the market, and to minimize the excessive government intervention in the micro economy through the reform of "decentralization, regulation and service". Of course, in the process of improving the efficiency of resource allocation, we should also give better play to the role of the government, achieve the organic combination of "invigorating" and "managing well", and guide all kinds of factors to converge to advanced productivity in coordination.

It is worth noting that in April this year, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the Opinions on Building a More Perfect System and Mechanism for Market based Factor Allocation, making arrangements from expanding the scope of market based factor allocation, promoting the independent and orderly flow of factors, and accelerating the market-oriented reform of factor prices. The Opinions are of great significance in guiding all kinds of factors to gather together into advanced productivity, improving the quality and allocation efficiency of factors, and then achieving quality, efficiency, and power changes.

Practice has proved that improving the efficiency of resource allocation is an inevitable requirement for accelerating the construction of a new pattern of economic development, and also an important source of power for achieving high-quality development. The higher the degree of marketization of factors, the higher the efficiency of resource allocation and the stronger the vitality of market players.

At present, China has entered the stage of high-quality development, and an important feature of high-quality development is the improvement of total factor productivity. In fact, improving the efficiency of resource allocation through deepening reform is the fundamental way and proper meaning to improve total factor productivity. The top priority is to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 15th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform. On the basis of consolidating the effectiveness of COVID-19 prevention and control, we should enhance our sense of urgency, boost our spirit, and take practical actions to accelerate the formation of a new development pattern. (Source: Economic Daily Author: Gu Yang)

(Editor in charge: Wu Xiaojuan)

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Reform is the key to improve the efficiency of resource allocation

2020-09-10 07:24 Source: Economic Daily
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