Feeling that Yao Ming was "in a state of anxiety" at the NPC and CPPCC (picture)

10:09, February 27, 2013     Source: Eastnet     Lu Zhijian

Yao Ming attended the "Two Sessions" in Shanghai last year

Former NBA basketball star Yao Ming will participate in the "two sessions" for the first time as a member of the CPPCC National Committee. The veteran Chinese men's basketball player told Xinhua News Agency on the 26th that he felt "uneasy and responsible". (Xinhua on February 26)

It can be said that nowadays, celebrities who have been elected as CPPCC members can no longer arouse the enthusiasm of the public. Some "star members" often neglect to perform their duties because of their busy work, or they are late and leave early to attend meetings, or do not speak for the people; Some even attended the meeting, but they also "didn't speak for three years and didn't write proposals for five years", which not only wasted the resources for participating in the deliberation and administration of politics, but also damaged the image of the members, and the public was quite disgusted.

However, Yao Ming, a world-renowned basketball star, participated in the National "Two Sessions" as a member for the first time. His speech of "feeling uneasy and having great responsibility" inspired people and brought many hopes and expectations.

First of all, the committee members can try their best to perform their duties when they attend the meeting with "anxiety". The "two sessions" of the National People's Congress and the CPPCC are not only a political pageant, but also a pageant of people's livelihood. Delegates, shouldering the great trust of hundreds of millions of people, gather together to discuss national justice and people's livelihood, with great responsibility. Therefore, by attending the conference with reverence, we can remember the people's request, not be lazy, not shirk, not make up for the number, do everything we can, do our best to cheer for the people, do our best to turn the people's will into the national will, so as to benefit the people and serve the people.

Secondly, the committee members can write proposals with heart when they attend the meeting with "anxiety". Proposal is the best form of performance of members' duties and the best way to reflect public opinion. Just because Yao Ming was afraid of not giving a satisfactory "answer" to the proposal, he began to prepare the proposal at the beginning of February. Previously, he had his own in-depth thinking on the development of China's sports and sports industry. In a recent interview with the media, Yao Ming said that "the proposal is still working hard". Obviously, no matter what kind of proposal Yao Ming will submit, he is thinking and writing carefully.

In addition, if the members are "worried", they will not ask for leave and miss the meeting. It is undeniable that the "star committee members" have many social activities, and it is difficult to ensure that they have enough time to attend the meeting. However, thinking of the responsibilities that they should perform and the great trust of the people, the committee members can overcome the difficulties to investigate among the people and bring the voice of the people to the NPC and CPPCC, instead of being busy or neglecting the duties that the committee members should perform.

The National "Two Sessions" are about to open. We hope Yao Ming is not only a "star member" in the "Two Sessions", but also a "member star" who earnestly performs his duties. At the same time, we also hope that all the delegates can remember their responsibilities like Yao Ming and attend the conference "with anxiety". In this way, it must be the well-being of the country and the people.

(Editor in charge: Zhou Shanshan)

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