Firmly fight the battle of transforming government functions
   Transforming Government Functions and Realizing Political Purity
   "Simplifying administration and delegating power" makes reform sound
"Let go of the power that should be let go", and release the determination to "break a man's wrist". The reform of the administrative examination and approval system is a breakthrough to transform the functions of the government, and an important move to release the reform dividend and build an upgraded version of China's economy. The core of the reform of the administrative examination and approval system is to streamline administration and delegate power. The market subject is the creator of social wealth and the source of the endogenous power of economic development. Only by determined to further open the door to the transformation of government functions and put the power that should be released into place. [Detailed]
   The core of "transforming functions" lies in "streamlining administration and delegating power"
Promoting the reform of government institutions is a long-term, complex and arduous process, which will be gradually deepened with the advancement of economic and political restructuring. Comparing the 2008 and this State Council's institutional reform plans, it is more clear that the core of institutional reform is "changing functions" and the essence is "streamlining administration and delegating power". In the final analysis, it is necessary to delegate power to the market and society, and hand over the things that should be handed over to the market, enterprises and intermediaries. The government will focus on major issues. For example, economic regulation jumps out from direct intervention in the economy. [Detailed]
   "Streamlining administration and delegating power" releases power and vitality
Dealing with the relationship between the government and the market and seizing the opportunity to promote the transformation of government functions is the explicit requirement of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the solemn commitment of the new government, and the core issue that concerns the success or failure of China's economic system reform. Over the years, China has made great efforts in this regard, forming an organizational structure and functional system that basically adapts to the socialist market economy system. However, there are still many problems, mainly manifested in the offside and absence of government functions, which are still prominent, too much should not be managed, and some should not be managed well. [Detailed]
   Need to understand the true meaning of "giving up" and "getting"
"Abandonment" is abandonment. Since the establishment of the new government, 133 administrative approval items have been cancelled and delegated. Obviously, the reform of the administrative examination and approval system has just started. When the prelude of a new round of transformation of government functional departments is opened, the wind of reform is blowing strongly. At that time, what we need to do is "give up", let go of the power that should be given, and minimize the licensing and approval of production and operation activities, general investment projects and qualifications. "De" is to get. The purpose of transforming government functions is to release the dividend of reform and create an upgraded version of China's economy. [Detailed]
   Bo Guili: The scale of the government should be moderate
There are two important standards to measure whether the government is a good government: one is to see whether the government is in charge of its own affairs; Second, it depends on whether the government manages its own affairs. The former is the problem of scientific positioning of government functions, and the latter is the problem of government efficiency. Under the premise of scientific positioning of government functions, in order to improve government efficiency, we must optimize the government organizational structure. To optimize the government organizational structure according to the requirements of building a service-oriented government, we must strengthen the construction of government public service departments and increase the proportion of public service departments in government institutions. [Detailed]
   The transformation of government functions should be guided by the principle of "severe punishment to control chaos"
Severe punishment is a good prescription for "not under my control". Recently, the "supervision" of environmental protection, food and other aspects has been criticized by public opinion and the public, and "supervision" has also been reducing the credibility of the government. A sentence of "not under my control" directly "killed" public opinion and public doubts. To solve the problem of "not under my control" of functional departments, "severe punishment" is a good prescription. As the "last line of defense" to ensure the safety of people's clothing, food, housing and transportation, whether the supervision of the intelligent department can be in place is directly related to what kind of food people eat and what kind of house they live in. [Detailed]
   The key to accelerate the transformation of government functions in China is to "supplement advance and retreat"
Four major challenges that China may face in the future reform. First, in the context of the global economic slowdown, comprehensively deepening reform and promoting adjustment will further reduce the speed of China's economic development. Whether China is willing to accept the economic slowdown caused by reform and adjustment under such circumstances will be a huge test. Second, major reforms are also "double-edged sword". For example, reforms in the financial and balance of payments fields, on the one hand, it is necessary to accelerate the development of financial and capital accounts and promote the progress of market-oriented reform of exchange rate and interest rate, which is the general trend. On the other hand, financial and balance of payments reforms [Detailed]
   Simplifying administration and delegating power is a good medicine for transforming government functions
How to change government functions
Simplify administration and delegate power to stimulate new vitality of market economy
   The State Council issued a "mobilization order" to ensure that the transformation of institutional functions was implemented
"This time, what we have outlined is the blueprint and general outline of the administrative system reform, as well as the overall review of the road map of the administrative system reform." Zhu Lixin, a professor of the National School of Administration, said in an interview with the Economic Information Daily that the new government has been speeding up in the past two months, highlighting the determination to promote the transformation of functions without delay and to do what we say. [Detailed]
   Let go of the power that should be let go and manage the affairs that should be managed
The bow does not return. It is urgent to promote the transformation of government functions and correct the long-standing deviation of offside absence of power. At the same time, the transformation of government functions is a self revolution, which means cutting off their own power and flesh, and is bound to touch some long-term interest patterns. In this context, whether we can fulfill the commitments we made to the people and fulfill the tasks of functional transformation on schedule is crucial to the overall situation of reform and the credibility of the government, which tests the courage, wisdom, determination and will of the government. [Detailed]
   Li Keqiang: Simplify administration and delegate power, transform functions and innovate management
Li Keqiang said that this time, the transformation of the functions of the State Council should not only abolish and delegate power, but also improve and strengthen government management. While delegating power, we must strengthen market supervision and create a fair market competition environment. In response to the recent incidents of adulterated mutton and poisoned ginger, Li Keqiang stressed that at present, the focus of supervision must be placed on areas where people have strong complaints and may cause great harm to economic and social development. He said, "For example, food safety, recent incidents of adulterated mutton and poisoned ginger have occurred one after another [Detailed]