Activity focus

Western Panorama Hall

Micro West

Cloud West

Expert interpretation

Comprehensive report


Activity focus

Where does the surging momentum of economic development in southern Sichuan come from?
In Sichuan's economic territory, Chengdu Plain Economic Zone is the largest one, accounting for more than 60% of the province's total economy. Therefore, Sichuan has always hoped to break this pattern, cultivate new growth poles, create regional economic plates with different characteristics and competing development, and shape Details>>
Chongqing: Exploring the Unlimited Possibility of High Quality Development
In recent years, Chongqing has focused on institutional innovation and building an inland open highland, attracting more and more attention from the world; We will spare no effort to build a "smart manufacturing town", build a "smart city", implant "smart factors" into traditional industries, and constantly cultivate new economic growth points Details>>

Experience Xi'an's "high and new" here

Since 2019, Jiahuifang has started a new journey centering on internationalization, fashion and intelligence, and has continued to create a new ecology of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" with the positioning of "the third space of international vitality", while promoting the construction of intelligent blocks and vigorously developing Details>>

Western Panorama Hall

Micro West

 The Development Code of South Sichuan Economy

Cloud West

  • Ningxia
  • Guangxi
  • Inner Mongolia
  • corps
  • Tibet
  • Xinjiang
  •  Ningxia. jpg
  •  Guangxi. jpg
  •  Inner Mongolia. jpg
  •  Bingtuan.jpg
  •  Tibet. jpg
  •  Xinjiang. jpg

Expert interpretation


Comprehensive report
