Resolutions and Interpretation of the Ninth Plenary Session of the 11th Wuxi Municipal Committee _ China Economic Network - National Economic Gateway

Resolution and Interpretation of the Ninth Plenary Session of the 11th Wuxi Municipal Committee

12:03, November 29, 2010     Source: China Economic Network    
The 9th Plenary Meeting of the 11th Wuxi Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China was held from November 17 to 18, 2010. There were 45 members of the Wuxi Municipal Party Committee and 7 alternate members attending the meeting. Members of Wuxi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and responsible comrades from relevant parties attended the meeting as nonvoting delegates. Some grass-roots comrades from the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 11th Provincial Party Congress and the 11th Municipal Party Congress also attended the meeting as nonvoting delegates.

The meeting was presided over by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. The plenary session thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee and the Ninth Plenary Session of the 11th Provincial Party Committee, listened to and discussed the speech made by Comrade Yang Weize on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and reviewed and passed the Proposal of the CPC Wuxi Municipal Committee on Formulating the Twelfth Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Wuxi.

The Plenary considered that the "12th Five Year Plan" period is the acceleration period of Wuxi's modernization construction, the crucial period of transformation and development, the critical period of ecological civilization construction, the promotion period of developing people's livelihood, and the decisive period of taking the lead in realizing basic modernization. Deeply understanding and grasping the new changes and characteristics of the domestic and international situation, and scientifically formulating the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" are of great significance for us to continue to seize and make good use of the promising important strategic opportunity period, promote Wuxi to enter a new stage of strategic transformation in an all-round way, and take the lead in achieving the new goal of basic modernization.

The plenary session spoke highly of the great achievements of Wuxi's economic and social development during the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, and believed that the past five years were the five years when Wuxi overcame numerous difficulties and profound changes took place in its economic and social development. It was the five years when Wuxi explored the path of transformation and development and accelerated the pace of scientific development Five years of rapid development of social undertakings, significant improvement of people's lives, and significant increase of external influence. We have persisted in translating the first essence, core concepts, basic requirements and fundamental methods of the Scientific Outlook on Development into the distinctive orientation and innovative practice of "enriching the people and strengthening the city" and "taking the lead in two aspects", and achieved breakthroughs in "six aspects", including scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship, ecological environment governance, urban and rural planning and construction, cultural development, social security system and administrative system reform, It has maintained a good momentum of steady and rapid economic development, formed a good pattern of "seven districts in one, one body with two wings" competing for development, consolidated and developed a good situation of political harmony, people harmony, harmony and stability, and successfully completed the main goals and tasks identified in the "Eleventh Five Year Plan", including economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction Significant progress has been made in building ecological civilization and the Party, creating a new realm of transformation and development, and writing a new chapter in modernization. The achievements made in the past five years are hard won and exciting, and the accumulated experience is precious and far-reaching.

The plenary session thoroughly analyzed the overall environment for Wuxi's economic and social development in the coming period, stressed that it is necessary to strengthen the sense of opportunity and hardship, firmly seize the new opportunities of the world scientific and technological revolution and the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, scientifically grasp the law of development, actively adapt to environmental changes, and adhere to the reform method to solve new problems in the process of progress, Explore the new path of modernization with innovative ideas.

The plenary session pointed out that in formulating the "12th Five Year Plan", we must adhere to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, and build an ecological city, a high-tech industrial city, a tourism and modern service city, and a livable city in accordance with General Secretary Hu Jintao's "Let the Taihu Lake, a pearl in the south of the Yangtze River, reappear its beautiful scenery" and Premier Wen Jiabao's "Building an ecological city, a high-tech industrial city, a tourism and modern service city, and a livable city" The overall requirements of ", take the world's advanced cities as the benchmark, take" promoting scientific development and taking the lead in development, building a happy Wuxi "as the theme, take accelerating transformation and development as the main line, take" science and education to revitalize the city, talent to strengthen the city, quality and intellectual property to build the city "as the main strategy, take innovation and the rule of law as the fundamental magic weapon, and take" building a strong city in the rich, benefiting the people " As the fundamental purpose, comprehensively promote scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship, comprehensively promote urban and rural integration, comprehensively strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, comprehensively guarantee and improve people's livelihood, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, and lay a decisive solid foundation for building Wuxi into an innovative, service-oriented, internationalized, modern, unique influence and competitive regional central city.

The plenum stressed that in the critical period of promoting the strategic transformation from industrial civilization to ecological civilization, it is necessary to carefully organize and implement the key strategies of accelerating transformation and development, actively pursue a new growth mode of "comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable", and strive to form a "gathering high-level talents, developing high-end service industries, cultivating high-tech industries, and creating a high-quality living environment" Linkage with the new trend of development, and strive to open up a new way of modernization with "happy life, advanced production and good ecology". Vigorously implement the strategy of "talent led, innovation driven, urban-rural integration, regional integration, ecological optimization, cultural revitalization, results inclusive, and legal protection", comprehensively establish competitive advantages, and comprehensively enter a new stage of strategic transformation.

The Plenary Session clearly defined the main objectives of Wuxi's economic and social development during the "12th Five Year Plan" period: to make a major breakthrough in building a strong city to enrich the people, strive to double the city's labor remuneration and residents' income, increase the per capita GDP by 10% annually, and increase the proportion of R&D investment in the whole society to more than 3% of GDP; Major leaps have been made in the strategic adjustment of industry and urban and rural structure, the operating revenue of strategic emerging industries has doubled, the added value of the service industry has accounted for more than 49.5% of GDP, and the urbanization rate has increased by more than 5 percentage points; The ecological environment has been significantly improved, with energy consumption per unit GDP and carbon dioxide emissions reduced by 20% compared with the end of the 11th Five Year Plan, and major pollutants reduced by 20% on the basis of 2010; Social construction has been significantly strengthened, social undertakings have developed in a high-quality and balanced way, and social management mechanisms have been improved; With the deepening of reform and opening up, the vitality of the system and the driving force for development have been significantly enhanced, the breadth and depth of opening up have been continuously expanded, and the level of urban modernization and economic internationalization has been significantly improved, so that Wuxi has always been in the forefront of the development of the Yangtze River Delta and cities across the country. Efforts have been made to improve the satisfaction and happiness of urban and rural residents, and constantly enhance Wuxi's comprehensive strength, independent innovation ability International competitiveness and sustainable development capability. To achieve the above goals, we must adopt and implement "ecological and livelihood constraints", "talent and education priority", "industry and consumption upgrading", "urban and rural areas and districts"

"And other key measures to promote scientific development, take the lead in development, accelerate transformation and development, and take the lead in achieving the new goal of basic modernization.

The plenum proposed that we should make breakthroughs in enhancing economic competitiveness, accelerate the development of innovative economy with scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship as the core, strive to build a leading city of innovative economy, and promote the transformation of economic form from industrial economy to service economy; Make breakthroughs in promoting urban-rural integration and urban modernization, accelerate the development of regional urbanization driven by central cities, strive to build a city with one body and two wings, and promote the transformation of urban and rural construction from focusing on urban form construction to focusing on improving urban comprehensive service functions; Make breakthroughs in improving the supporting power of resources and environment, strive to accelerate regional sustainable development characterized by low-carbon and green, strive to build a pioneer city of ecological civilization, and promote the transformation from environmental protection to comprehensive construction of ecosystems; Strive for breakthroughs in promoting inclusive development outcomes, accelerate comprehensive social development focusing on ensuring and improving people's livelihood, strive to build a happy, healthy and first good city, and promote the transformation of development from focusing on economic growth to focusing more on people's livelihood; To make breakthroughs in deepening reform and opening up, we are committed to accelerating the establishment of systems and mechanisms that are in line with the market-oriented orientation and effectively guarantee scientific development, striving to build cities with dynamic systems and mechanisms, and promoting the transformation of reform from deepening economic system reform to comprehensively promoting comprehensive reform, and opening up from "bringing in" to "bringing in" and "going out" simultaneously.

The plenary session stressed that the successful realization of the 12th Five Year Plan requires strong cultural strength and spiritual impetus, and must strengthen Wuxi's cultural soft power, comprehensively implement the "moral culture project" with the spirit of "moral pragmatism, harmonious progress" as the core, and "four respects (respect for labor, respect for talent, respect for knowledge, respect for creation), four innovations (entrepreneurship, innovation, excellence, creation)" The "innovative culture project" with fashion as the core fully stimulates the creativity of the whole society.

The Plenary stressed that the core of the successful realization of the 12th Five Year Plan lies in the Party and the key lies in people. We must strengthen and improve the leadership of the Party, take the construction of ruling ability and advancement as the main line, comprehensively promote the construction of the Party's ideology, organization, style, system, anti-corruption and integrity in the spirit of reform and innovation, deeply carry out the activities of creating excellence, give full play to the leading core role of Party committees at all levels and the vanguard role of the majority of Party members, and vigorously strengthen the construction of socialist political civilization, Fully carry forward democracy, unite all forces of society, and form a strong joint force to promote modernization.

The plenum pointed out that it is an important moment for Wuxi to carry forward the two five-year plans and "two pioneers" to carry forward the past and usher in the future. All levels and departments of the city should always maintain the spirit of making progress, further enhance the initiative and creativity of the work, and focus on the current work according to the work deployment of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, Efforts should be made to maintain the momentum of steady and rapid economic development, unswervingly promote scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship, fully implement the task of energy conservation and emission reduction, spare no effort to safeguard and improve people's livelihood, effectively safeguard and guarantee social stability, comprehensively strengthen the work style and efficiency of government agencies, and ensure that the "10th Five Year Plan" ends well and the "12th Five Year Plan" begins well.

The plenary session called on Party organizations at all levels, all Communist Party members and cadres and masses in the city to closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development, and fully rely on the wisdom and strength of the people of the city under the strong leadership of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Continue to participate in the great practice of "being a good pioneer in Jiangsu's modernization drive, striving to create a provincial scientific development pilot area, a harmonious development demonstration area, and a model area for Party building", and strive to build an innovative and happy Wuxi, enter a new stage of strategic transformation in an all-round way by 2015, and take the lead in realizing the new goal of basic modernization! Make more contributions to building a beautiful Jiangsu and being a good pioneer!

(Editor in charge: Hou Yanfang)

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