Remedy one's illness with medicine

15:24, March 26, 2012     Source: China Economic Network    
It was a disadvantage of hospitals before the new medical reform that doctors paid their own salaries in the process of medical treatment. The more drugs they prescribed, the higher their income would be (the more drugs they sold, the more they would earn). Therefore, in order to earn more salaries, doctors increased their prices and added drugs regardless of the patient's affordability, which led to the problem of difficult and expensive medical treatment.

The policy of "medicine for medical treatment" was formulated in the 1950s under the condition of insufficient national financial resources and limited subsidies for public hospitals. This policy has played a positive role in ensuring the operation and development of public hospitals in history. However, from the current situation, there are some new problems. Due to the defects of the regulatory system and the serious shortage of public financial investment, the practice of public hospitals collecting drug markups, which is "medicine for medicine", has encouraged the tendency of hospitals to seek profits, resulting in the operation and development of public medical institutions relying heavily on drug revenue, and the occurrence of large prescriptions, more drugs, and expensive drugs, It has increased the burden of people's medical expenses.

The National Health Work Conference was held in Beijing on January 5, 2012. Chen Zhu, the minister of the Ministry of Health, said that the "12th Five Year Plan" medical reform needs to break through eight key issues, and the cancellation of "medicine for medicine" is one of them. In addition, the doctor-patient relationship should be fundamentally improved during the 12th Five Year Plan period. Chen Zhu said that for the long-term construction of the health team, this mechanism will be changed sooner or later. He asked local health administrative departments to give full play to the role of medical insurance compensation, steadily push forward the price reform, and strive to eliminate the malpractice of using medicine to supplement medicine in a safe and orderly manner throughout the system during the "12th Five Year Plan" period. In 2011, 300 pilot counties were launched first, striving to be widely implemented in county hospitals in 2013 and in all public hospitals in 2015. The key issues to be resolved during the "12th Five Year Plan" period also include comprehensively promoting the reform of the payment system, consolidating and improving the new operating mechanism of grass-roots medical and health institutions, comprehensively establishing the information disclosure system, and comprehensively promoting the centralized purchase of drugs.

(Editor in charge: Bai Yu)

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