price hearing

10:24, July 18, 2011     Source: China Economic Network    
According to the provisions of the Price Law, the government takes administrative measures to regulate pricing behavior and listen to social opinions.

When it comes to price hearing, we should talk about the price hearing system, which is an important system in the government's pricing procedure. Article 23 of the Price Law stipulates that when setting government guided prices and government fixed prices for public utilities, public welfare services and commodities under natural monopoly that affect the vital interests of the masses, a hearing system shall be established, which shall be presided over by the government price department to solicit opinions from consumers, business operators and relevant parties and demonstrate the necessity and feasibility. This law stipulates four main contents of the price hearing system:

First, the scope of the hearing. It is clearly defined as "government guidance prices and government pricing of public utilities, public service prices, natural monopoly commodity prices and other prices related to the vital interests of the masses", indicating that all prices that are related to the vital interests of the masses and need to listen to more opinions can be included in the scope of the hearing.     

The second is the presiding unit of the price hearing. The Price Law stipulates that the price hearing shall be presided over by the competent price department of the government. This is mainly to listen to opinions more impartially and prevent some departments from linking the price setting with their own departmental interests and local interests.     

The third is the object of soliciting opinions. The Price Law stipulates that consumers, business operators and relevant parties are responsible for the formulation of prices, which is directly related to their interests. Representatives of interested parties must be guaranteed the right to put forward opinions. At the same time, price hearings are held not only to listen to the opinions of relevant government departments, but also to listen to the opinions of the masses.     

Fourth, the content of the argument. The provisions of the Price Law mainly refer to the necessity and feasibility of the government guidance price and government pricing to be formulated, including whether the government guidance price and government pricing are reasonable, practical, and in line with the interests of the state and the people.

(Editor in charge: Wang Yajie)

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