On Youth Propaganda in the Internet Era

11:23, June 4, 2010     Source: People's Daily Online     Li Jiayun

According to statistics, at present, there are more than 300 million Internet users in China. 70.54% of Internet users are concentrated in economically developed regions or towns in the east and central China. 85.8% of them are between the ages of 18 and 35. 83% have received college education. From the perspective of age structure, more than 40% of them are the target of youth work and the main group of youth propaganda work. Undoubtedly, with the passage of time, the share of the Internet in China will continue to grow exponentially, and a rigorous Internet era has arrived. The emergence of the Internet has undoubtedly provided us with unparalleled convenience advantages for today's fast life. Its fast transmission channels, diverse information resources and massive information transmission systems have facilitated people's access to information. The traditional "distribution according to work" and upload and download information transmission methods have been challenged unprecedentedly The traditional mode of dogma gives people a light, flexible, fast, free and diverse feature to appear in front of the audience, which has won the general recognition and active participation of the audience and the majority of young people. The channels for people to hunt for information, express interest demands, and participate in the governance of the country are more extensive, and even the communication, economic and trade exchanges, business negotiations and other aspects are increasingly diversified under the role of the network. It is no secret that the emergence of the Internet has directly posed a challenge to the traditional propaganda work, especially the traditional youth propaganda work, Because young people are the most beneficial group to share the Internet, and this group is the backbone of the Internet era. As the propaganda work to spread the Party's public opinion and voice, if we miss the opportunity to seize the space of this group, we should carry out the propaganda work according to the thinking logic of nephew playing the lantern - "Zhao Uncle" It will have a profound impact on the development of youth. As a youth propagandist, he has the obligation to have the courage to break through the "bottleneck" of youth propaganda. The Fourth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee proposed that cadres should enhance their ability to use emerging media. Because the Central Committee has fully realized that the Internet is the distribution center and amplifier of social public opinion, especially the propaganda department responsible for youth propaganda, which should enhance the ability to use emerging media. According to the analysis report of the latest People's Forum "Cyberphobia" questionnaire for contemporary Chinese officials, 70% of officials suffer from cyberphobia, 22% say no, and 8% say they can't explain clearly. Especially for county and department level officials, their cyberphobia has reached 47%. Based on this survey data, it can be seen that most of the officials can not be at ease in front of the Internet, let alone use this new media. No wonder, judging from the hot issues reflected on the current network, most of them are related to our officials. Zhou Jiugeng, the former director of Nanjing's sky high priced cigarettes, and now the Fragrant Diary Gate of Guangxi Tobacco Monopoly Bureau. These problems have sprung up like mushrooms on the Internet, and our officials cannot help suffering from cyber phobia. How to use the Internet, a double-edged sword and a new media? How to win the support of young netizens? How to do a good job of youth propaganda in the age of Internet popularity? It is indeed worth pondering and studying. This requires us to change our ideas in a timely manner, dare to reform and get rid of the constraints of the old rules and regulations, stand on the position of the youth group, think about what the youth think, what the youth think, what the youth do, less vertical indoctrination, more horizontal communication, less serious preaching, more subtle influence, and create the tangible, broad thinking, wide field Broadly create a harmonious and relaxed youth publicity environment to arm, attract and serve youth.

Youth publicity work is a work that always focuses on new work, which requires that our practitioners in charge of youth publicity must have excellent quality skills, be rich in learning, be talented, and be able to speak, do something, write, and think about nothing. Otherwise, it will only backfire and delay work. In the era of the Internet, the kind of single indoctrinating propaganda that is dictated by God has gone forever, and the kind of propaganda that has no innovation, parrot learning, and Handan learning to walk has been difficult for young people to hear, hear, and hear. The way young people receive information is changing, and the perspective of thinking about problems is also changing, even the values and outlook on life are changing. If the propaganda work in the ideological field of guiding young people can not meet the needs of youth development, stick to their laurels, and do not want to make progress, we will face the embarrassing situation of being too high and too few to lead young people to follow the party, This is the last thing we want to see, and also our biggest dereliction of duty. We will not be able to face the ancestors of youth propaganda, nor the young people we directly serve. Based on the impact of the Internet, we should focus on the youth publicity work in the Internet era from the aspects of strengthening the transformation of ideas, focusing on the improvement of theoretical literacy, changing the publicity method, and strengthening the publicity service, so as to win the trust, recognition, and position of the youth.

Concept change is the first priority of youth publicity. The big taboo of youth propaganda work is rigid thinking, stagnant thinking, focusing on work with the mentality of old bottles of new wine, still following unrealistic dogmatism to carry out work, and will not keep pace with the times to see and solve problems. Knowing that the Internet has become popular with young people, but turning a blind eye to it, and doing youth propaganda work that young people do not accept, others see jokes, and they do not understand, can not achieve the purpose of guiding and serving young people, nor can it produce good social effects, which causes the youth group to be constantly divided and weakened, The propaganda position has also been constantly weakened, which makes it difficult to reproduce the propaganda effect of the ancestors. Admittedly, the emergence of the problem is not only the youth propaganda, but also has something to do with the changes in the social environment and the value orientation of youth groups. However, the youth propaganda work cannot escape its responsibility. However, it is not too late to make up for it. As long as we can quickly emancipate our minds, change our concepts, focus on the interests of young people in the Internet era, focus on publicity and activities with the help of new media, and focus on the work required by the development of the times and society, in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. An attractive and appealing situation of youth propaganda will certainly emerge.

Theory promotion is the only way to do a good job in youth propaganda. As the Communist Youth League cadres are young and mobile, they lack sufficient theoretical knowledge and theoretical literacy, and are used to cooking leftovers and picking up leftovers. In the Internet era, due to its broad vision, broad space and diverse needs, youth propaganda work must have a deep theoretical foundation, and young propagandists must have the ability to transform hard theories into practical needs of young people. However, this is precisely the weakness of young propagandists. The theoretical literacy of young propagandists cannot play the role of "spiritual source" for the vast number of netizens or teenagers, and cannot communicate and fit hearts. The direct result is the alienation, weakening and degradation of youth propaganda, and the decentralization, loss and liberalization of youth groups, thus gradually losing the rare position of youth. Theory promotion is a process of long-term learning and practice, which can not be achieved by short-term speculation without a single day's effort. Without a lonely and willing to sit on the bench mentality, it is difficult to gain. This requires that our Youth League leaders engaged in youth propaganda should dare to choose, be willing to contribute, throw away the fascinating clouds, be down-to-earth, conscientious and dedicated to theoretical learning, We should pay attention to learning from our predecessors or the leading comrades and experts and scholars of the Party committee's propaganda department, not be swayed by the immediate interests, and concentrate on the characteristics of youth propaganda in the Internet era.

The change of mode is an effective force for youth propaganda. Youth publicity has always focused on innovation, especially in the Internet era. If we put on the old style, say the old cliches, speak the old principles, and use the old methods, it will inevitably push the youth groups to the opposite side of our work, causing more irreparable losses. For example, you need to publicize a youth revolutionary model. If you repeatedly introduce the heroes of the past to the youth, and don't mention the people and things that happened around us, it will naturally give the youth a feeling of punching holes in the air. For another example, if you know that the fastest and biggest channel for modern youth to receive information is the Internet, but you abandon the basics, or use the past form to send out articles, hold meetings, and hang slogans as the dominant form of publicity, which is no different from blind people trying to figure out what's going on and deceiving themselves. In combination with the youth in the Internet era, our youth publicity work must change the means of communication and working methods. It must be carried out in a way that young people are willing to participate, good at absorption and easy to spread. It must create a harmonious, open and relaxed publicity environment for the vast number of youth publicity work objects, rather than a rigid, closed and serious "one voice" Only the way and method of youth publicity has been changed, and only by closely following the strong publicity advantage of the Internet and making enough work innovation in the way of publicity, we believe that we will usher in a spring of youth publicity work with charming flowers and colorful crowd.

Paying attention to service is the source of youth publicity. The ultimate purpose of youth propaganda is to guide and serve youth. To carry out youth propaganda, its methods and means are only a bridge to involve youth, its theoretical ideas are only a medium to integrate youth, and the ultimate goal is to serve the growth and success of youth. However, at present, there are some situations of putting the cart before the horse. When carrying out work, we only pay attention to the form of work, but ignore the effect of serving youth. This is, of course, a manifestation of wasting all one's energy to catch fish. It is a short-sighted behavior that lacks long-term vision. The inevitable result is that young people go their separate ways, deviate from the original intention and purpose of youth propaganda, and damage the body of youth work. In today's era, we must be soberly aware that youth propaganda is not a propaganda that confuses and anesthetizes young people. It must be a big service propaganda that can open up young people's wisdom, stimulate young people's lofty sentiments, broaden their horizons, shape young people's images, and edify young people's minds. Through the great service of youth publicity work, realize the great change of youth pursuit and social ethos.

The youth propaganda work in the Internet era has a long way to go, and it is difficult and challenging. We must change our ideas in a timely manner, quickly adjust our working methods, mobilize resources from all sectors of society, give full play to the employment advantages of making the best use of our talents, and create a good social atmosphere. Take the best interests of young people as the highest standard of youth publicity work, and take the highest requirements of young people as the maximum purpose of work, constantly explore and improve publicity methods and means, strengthen theoretical cultivation, and strengthen publicity purposes. We should give full play to the function of youth publicity and make irreplaceable contributions to organizing, guiding, serving and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of young people.

(Editor in charge: Hou Yanfang)

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