Video - The United States VS Argentina Dream Team 10 wins the London Olympic Group Match and takes revenge

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Published: 18:42, December 24, 2018 Source: Sina Sports

Album: NBA Special


The team captain of the United States in the men's basketball team's group A match of the 2012 London Olympic Games compared with Argentina. In this game, the strength of the two strong teams was totally unequal. The United States team had many NBA superstars at the peak, such as James, Kobe, Anthony, Durant, Wei Shao, and so on, while the core team of Argentina was aging. In the first half, the two teams still played very closely, but in the second half, the Dream Team suddenly made efforts to open the gap, and Argentina was no longer able to parry. In the end, the United States defeated Argentina 126-97. Durant hit 8 out of 10 three-point shots and scored 28 points, James scored 18 points, Paul scored 17 points and 7 assists, and Kobe Bryant scored 11 points. Ginobili scored 16 points.

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