You Love Me

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You Love Me Director: Li Xinman
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to star: Zheng Kai Jiang Yiyan Yu Xiao Yu Jiameng Changfangyuan Chen Zuoshen Liu Sha Shi Chunling Li Changlin Talk about Sasha

particular year: 2015 Region: mainland Type: love comedy

Synopsis: The architect Zuo Xiaoxin (Jiang Yiyan) is eager to have a "happy life" with only children and no men. By chance, he met the popular host Zha Yi (Zheng Kai). Zha Yi is very fond of Zuo Xiaoxin, but he didn't expect that "Zuo Xiaoxin" only wanted a child, and the two gave birth to Zuo Songsong, an illegitimate son. For scientific rearing, Zuo Xiaoxin informed Zha Yi when the child was one year old, and now he realized that he had become the laughing stock of his friends - China's "big stallion". Zha Yi is determined to take revenge. Zuo Xiaoxin is not a vegetarian, so the two have changed from an ambiguous romantic relationship to a fierce battle for children

The architect Zuo Xiaoxin (Jiang Yiyan) is eager to have a "happy life" with only children and no men. By chance, he met the popular host Zha Yi (Zheng Kai). Zha Yi is very fond of Zuo Xiaoxin, but he didn't expect that "Zuo Xiaoxin" only wanted a child, and the two gave birth to Zuo Songsong, an illegitimate son. For scientific rearing, Zuo Xiaoxin informed Zha Yi when the child was one year old, and now he realized that he had become the laughing stock of his friends - China's "big stallion". Zha Yi is determined to take revenge. Zuo Xiaoxin is not a vegetarian, so the two have changed from an ambiguous romantic relationship to a fierce battle for children


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