
    Supply NVIDIA Tesla A100 80G graphics card

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online]

    [Zhongguancun Online Sichuan Market] NVIDIA Tesla A100 80G Graphics card Recently, in the "Chengdu Qiangchuan Science and Technology Co., Ltd.", a special promotion, the preferential price is 160000 yuan. Good things and good prices are worth starting! Interested friends can go directly to Block B, 17/F, East of New Century Business Center, No. 2, Section 2, 1st Ring Road South, Wuhou District, Chengdu for details, and also for promotional information on NVIDIA Tesla A100 80G graphics card (contact number: 18380340551 028-85570381 QQ :2851150695 )The merchant.

    Merchant activity: spot mail View

    Product model Market price (yuan) Commodity quotation (yuan) Up and down (yuan)
    NVIDIA Tesla A100 80G
    eighty-six thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine one hundred and sixty thousand seventy-three thousand and one
    Price collection date: June 6, 2024 (if the price fluctuates, the merchant's quotation shall prevail) View Products

     NVIDIA Tesla A100 80G
    The picture is: NVIDIA Tesla A100 80G HD live shot

    Interpretation of main parameters of NVIDIA Tesla A100 80G:
    Graphics card type No data temporarily Graphics card chip No data temporarily
    Core frequency No data temporarily Memory frequency No data temporarily
    Memory capacity 80GB Memory interface 5120bit
    Power interface 8pin Power supply mode No data temporarily
    It's worth buying today
    When consulting, Zhongguancun Online will get better price and better service!
    Product name: NVIDIA Tesla A100 80G
    Reference price: 160000 yuan Online purchase
    Merchant name: Chengdu Qiangchuan Technology Co., Ltd
    contact information: 18380340551 028-85570381
    QQ No.: Contact me
    WeChat number: eighteen billion three hundred and eighty million three hundred and forty thousand five hundred and fifty-one
    Contact address: Building B, 17th Floor, East New Century Commercial Center, No. 2, Section 2, 1st Ring Road South, Wuhou District, Chengdu
    Business activities: -
    Product link: -

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Supply NVIDIA Tesla A100 80G graphics card true report one thousand and ten [Zhongguancun Online Sichuan Market] NVIDIA Tesla A100 80G graphics card has recently been promoted at a special price of 160000 yuan in the merchant "Chengdu Qiangchuan Technology Co., Ltd."! Interested friends can go directly to Block B, 17th Floor, East of New Century Business Center, No. 2, Section 2, 1st Ring Road South, Wuhou District, Chengdu for detailed information about the promotion of NVIDIA Tesla A100 80G graphics card
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