
    Horizontal review of 11 non-public GTX750Ti 1000 yuan level new artifacts

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Chen Hong'an

    At 22:00 on February 18, 2014 (Beijing time), NVIDIA officially released GPU middle and low-end GPU products based on the new Maxwell architecture design in the world GeForce GTX 750Ti And GeForce GTX 750. Both GPU products have excellent game performance and unprecedented performance power ratio. Maxwell architecture GTX 750Ti/750 not only brings the best choice for game PC, home entertainment HTPC platform and Internet cafe operators, but also raises the characteristics of 28nm process chip per watt to a new height.

    The biggest progress of GeForce GTX 750Ti/750 is to achieve the goal of better performance with lower energy consumption under the same process. It uses the same 28nm manufacturing process and similar performance as the previous generation GeForce GTX 650Ti BOOST/GTX 650Ti, but its chip area and power consumption are much smaller than the latter. As a public GeForce GTX 750Ti/750, it does not need an external power supply interface. The correct direction of semiconductor logic circuit progress is to seek ways to improve the performance from the logic structure rationality rather than relying solely on the process technology.

     Horizontal review of 10 non-public GTX750Ti 1000 yuan level new artifacts

    It is worth mentioning that, The GM107 core of GeForce GTX 750Ti/750 is based on the "early generation Maxwell" architecture, which is small in scale and has only one GPC, so there is no traditional level-1 macro parallel structure. At the same time, the demand for task management resources has not risen to the height of application, so the improved front-end and level-1 arbitration mechanism we predicted earlier did not appear in the architecture. With the passage of time and the progress of semiconductor manufacturing process, NVIDIA will also launch more complete and powerful Maxwell architecture products, and the subsequent high-end and flagship Maxwell products will have further room for improvement.

     Maxwell's smallest 10 non-public GTX750
    GeForce GTX 750Ti

    The emergence of GeForce GTX 750Ti/750 and the new Maxwell architecture is impressive. They reflect the correct direction of semiconductor logic structure progress, not only bring new hopes and expectations to everyone, but also show the whole industry the continuous power and unremitting pursuit of video card progress. If you want to have a deeper understanding of GeForce GTX 750Ti/750 and the new Maxwell architecture, please click to read the published articles“ Maxwell makes an impressive debut GTX750Ti/750 first test ”。 Meanwhile, ZOL video channel was launched on Monday“ Horizontal evaluation of 10 non-public GTX750 models ”, and today it's GTX 750Ti's turn.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Horizontal review of 11 non-public GTX750Ti 1000 yuan level new artifacts // true // report one thousand six hundred and ninety-four At 22:00 on February 18, 2014 (Beijing time), NVIDIA officially released GeForce GTX 750Ti and GeForce GTX 750, the GPU middle and low-end GPU products based on the new Maxwell architecture. Both GPU products have excellent game performance and unprecedented performance power ratio. Maxwell Architecture GTX 750Ti
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