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MIT Open Class: Media
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Lecturer: VA

College introduction: Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a comprehensive private university in the United States, and has the reputation of "the world's largest polytechnic university". MIT is a world-class university that attaches great importance to science, technology and management. Its scientific research in the fields of space science, atomic science, aerospace technology, bioengineering and other fields takes the lead in the United States, and it is famous worldwide for its close relationship with the business community and the government.

Course introduction: This course discusses topics such as citizen media, politics and popular culture, government transparency, and the future of news.

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Course list
[Episode 1] Future development of citizen media translate
【 Episode 4 】 The role of citizen media in the 2008 general election translate
[Episode 5] Long lasting mistakes translate
【 Episode 11 】 Books and Libraries in the Electronic Age translate
【 Episode 15 】 Future government. Citizen participation translate
[Episode 16] The future of digital public media translate
【 Episode 17 】 Grassroots media and government information transparency translate
【 Episode 18 】 Oral Tradition and Digital Technology translate
[Episode 20] Media in the Age of False Information translate
【 Episode 21 】 Say goodbye to Jenkins Jenkins' MIT Career translate
【 Episode 22 】 Visual interpretation of digital humanities translate
【 Episode 24 】 The Art of Scientific Communication translate
【 Episode 26 】 Visual overview of cultural heritage translate
[Episode 27] Digital World and Color translate
【 Episode 29 】 Slow progress crisis translate
[Episode 30] Citizen Media and Law translate
[Episode 31] Innovation highlights. Let children's media enter life translate
【 Episode 32 】 The cross media form of the game industry translate
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