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Open class of Las Vegas Academy of Arts: Indonesian cuisine
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Lecturer: Hiachi -Chef, Las Vegas Academy of Arts

Introduction: The Las Vegas Academy of Arts is located in Henderson, Nevada, USA. The college was founded in 1983, initially named as Interior Design College, later renamed as Design College, and became part of the art college system in April 2001.

Course introduction: This series of open courses mainly introduces the practice of Indonesian cuisine, which is taught by the chef Hiachi of the Academy of Arts. Hiachi will show several basic Indonesian dishes and sauces, including Laksa, grilled fish, vegetable salad, satay kebabs and beef, as well as sweet and spicy soy sauce with Indonesian characteristics and tomato sauce preparation methods. At the same time, the introduction of Indonesia's local customs and customs is interspersed, so that people can fully experience the Indonesian cuisine with rich materials, sweet and spicy taste, and rich tropical flavor, and at the same time enjoy the Indonesian customs with rich resources and varied terrain.

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