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MIT Open Class: Searching for Black Holes
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Lecturer: Edmund Bertschinger, Edwin F Taylor

College introduction: Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a comprehensive private university in the United States, which has the reputation of "the most polytechnic universities in the world".

Course introduction: This course studies physical effects in the related fields of black holes, and uses them as the basis for understanding general relativity, astrophysics and cosmology. The course covers the expansion and extension of current theories and observations. The contents include the energy and momentum in the flat space, the metric, the curvature of space-time near the rotating and non rotating gravity center, the orbits of particles and light, and the basic model of the universe.

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Course list
[Episode 2] The universe - the question you dare not ask translate
[Episode 3] Einstein Field Equations translate
[Episode 5] The universe and three examples translate
[Episode 6] The formation of cosmic structure, from inflation to galaxies translate
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