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MIT Public Course: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
Welcome to the 24 episodes of this course

Lecturer: Prof Eric Grimson Prof. John Guttag -Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at MIT - Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Physics at Regina University, Doctor of Science in Mathematics at MIT

College introduction: West Carolina State University was founded in 1889 to provide higher education and career opportunities for the western region of North Carolina. Since its establishment, WCU has mainly focused on culture, science and education.

Course introduction: This course is suitable for students with little or no programming experience. It is committed to making students understand the role of computers in solving problems, and helping students, regardless of their major, to be confident about the goal of completing useful small programs.

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Course list
【 Episode 1 】 Course objectives, data types, operations, variables translate
[Episode 5] Floating point numbers and dichotomy (successive approximation) translate
[Episode 7] Array and variability, dictionary, pseudo code, introduction to code operation efficiency translate
[Episode 12] More about debugging: knapsack problem, introduction to dynamic programming translate
[Episode 13] Dynamic programming, overlapping subproblems, optimal substructure translate
【 Episode 14 】 Analysis of knapsack problem, introduction to object-oriented programming translate
【 Episode 18 】 represents the simulation results Pylab and Drawing translate
【 Episode 19 】 Random walk with preference and probability distribution translate
【 Episode 21 】 Verification of simulation program results. Linear regression. Curve fitting translate
【 Episode 22 】 Normal distribution Uniform distribution and exponential distribution translate
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